Parent Information Evening 2015 Welcome
Congratulations! Year 12 have made a fantastic start
The Team Head of Sixth Form BHS (Assistant Headteacher) Clare Gardiner Leader of Sixth Form BGS Rosie Field Student Support and Sixth Form BGS (Assistant Headteacher) Matthew Scott
The Team Student Support (6 th form) BGS Pastoral Manager– Sam Challis BHS Pastoral Manager – Amanda Cooper
Tutor team Wednesday – period 3 – BHS and at registration time at BGS 12.1 Mrs Holmes Mrs Ryan 12.2 Mrs Robinson Mr Tuohy 12.3 Mrs Thatcher Mrs Walker 12.4 Mrs Appleyard Mrs Weighill 12.5 Mrs Lawrence Mr Elvidge 12.6 Mrs Owen Mr Caddell
Support and Guidance From The Joint Sixth Form Tutors, Pastoral Managers and Head of Sixth Support and Guidance programme Social workers, Joya Chisholm (BGS) Helen Duboulay (BHS) Learning Support, Elaine Fairless(BGS) Helen Butler (BHS) Nurse, Amy Johnson(BHS) Examination Officers, Joanne Dennis (BGS), Diane Roach (BHS)
34 hours a week! 34 hours a week! the MINIMUM needed to achieve full potential at AS/A2 4 AS subjects, tutorial and 1 hour enrichment is 18 hours 1 hour taught at school = 1 hour studied at home ie. 4 additional hours per subject, per week – minimum!
Intervention 6 week cycle – current grade every 3 weeks 6 week cycle – current grade every 3 weeks Behind target grade Behind target grade Access teacher/dept intervention sessions Access teacher/dept intervention sessions Mentoring Mentoring Private study sessions added to timetable Private study sessions added to timetable Study rooms – use of them at both sites Study rooms – use of them at both sites
Concerns from either school or home? - Progression to Year 13
Effort and commitment from the students Responsibility for their own work and progress Responsibility for their own work and progress Time management.. Time management.. Full Attendance Full Attendance is essential and expected is essential and expected absences will be reported monthly absences will be reported monthly Quality of work Quality of work aim to achieve or surpass your target grade with every piece of class and homework aim to achieve or surpass your target grade with every piece of class and homework
Target Grades (Using ALPS) Predictions based on GCSE performance Compares performance of previous cohort with national data
It helps us set minimum expectations It identifies underachievers early It enables students and teachers to set challenging but realistic targets Celebrate success at all levels of ability Why do we use Target grades?
Advanced level assessment 4 Units Year 12Year 13 (A few courses: 6 Units) Some courses (eg Maths, History are now 2 year courses HOWEVER all students will take external Year 12 exams to monitor progress)
Advanced Subsidiary (AS) (Year 12) Unit results are added together to make a grand total, which is turned into an AS grade (A-E). (August 2015) 2 Units of work Examinations of each Unit
Advanced Level Year 13 - A2 units August 2017 This varies according to the subject – some subjects have changed to a two year A level already, some have not
Resits Important considerations : cost no tuition for that Unit time taken from other Units
There are parent and student sections on the websites and full details of courses on the 6th form website
All work and no play…enrichment opportunities - sport - support for lower school - voluntary work
Never too early… - Work experience? -Medicine? -Oxbridge? -Apprenticeships? 15 th October 2016 – deadline for Oxbridge/Medicine/Dentistry 15 th January 2017 – deadline for all UCAS applications
Communication Please also encourage your son/daughter to use to contact us
Sixth Form Study is not easy Teamwork staff, students and parents working together for the same goals