7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free:
The Document Management Appliance (DMA) from SearchExpress combines the power and productivity of a traditional onsite software installation, with the accessibility, security and redundancy of the Cloud. Our unique approach to delivering these technologies allows users to truly experience the best of both worlds. What is a Document Management Appliance The Appliance is delivered with all software pre-installed and ready to go. The box is 7” x 6” x 2” and runs Windows 7 professional OS SX-8 Appliance ships with a 500 GB hard drive No worrying about network installation effects Document backup, safety and security is assured Both internal and online redundancy All support and updates are delivered directly from the manufacturer. New devices can be cross shipped in the event of a catastrophic failure Rebuilt with restored documents
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: SX-8 Imaging / Document Management Appliance – PST SX-8 Imaging Document Management Appliance – PST comes with SearchExpress and Print Tracker™ pre-installed and combines power and productivity while providing the accessibility, security and redundancy of the Cloud. The SX-8 Imaging Appliance is fully featured software offering benefits such as: Production Batch Scanning Forms Recognition Zone OCR Full Page OCR Self Learning Pick Lists Browser Based Scanning Remote Data Entry Internal Browser Based Searching The Appliance is delivered with all software installed. No more worrying about what effect the “installation” will have on a customer’s network. Overview (continued)
SearchExpress SX DMA Document Imaging- OSA integration,file import and TWAIN compatible scanning Search and Retrieval- Browser based, access documents from anywhere Document Retention- Built in tools to meet or implement a document retention policy Accounting and Document Control- Built in security and audit trail features Workflow- Ad Hoc or multistep invoice approvals with notification Advanced Scanning and Indexing Features- such as forms recognition, Zone OCR, barcodes and ODBC integration Microsoft Office Integration- Index and store files from Word, Excel and Outlook Hybrid * Cloud Technology- Cloud based back- up and optional Google Drive integration * HYBRID: Noun: A thing made by combining two different elements; a mixture 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free:
MFP Integration 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Search for documents by entering a few key words or phrases
Zone OCR 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Watch the SearchExpress DMA Video at
Browser Based Search 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free:
Document Retrieval 7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Watch the SearchExpress DMA Video at
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: SX-8 Imaging / Document Management Appliance – PST SearchExpress works well with Sharp, Kyocera/CopyStar, Lexmark and the Canon Scanfront network scanners. SearchExpress will also drive any TWAIN compliant scanner. With SearchExpress, using Kyocera’s emulator or Sharp’s OSA Simulator screen users can work with documents to search, add, and import document information with a simple button push. When working with other OEM products, the user hits the Scan to Hard drive and then imports from the directory. Appliance and software support is done by SearchExpress via remote access as needed without need of on-site assistance. The SX-8 Imaging Appliance is designed to keep the Dealer’s central focus on MFP sales – Allowing the dealer to secure higher margins and minimize headaches on solution sales. Overview (continued)
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: SX-8 Imaging / Document Management Appliance – PST The device is its own mini-server and it’s simply plug and play. Typical installations result in the ability to scan and find documents … and find and report on devices in less than 10 minutes. The integration of services allows for installation with NO impact to the end users infrastructure, also allowing for ease of remote support. And the SX-8 Imaging Appliance includes a no cost Google Drive integration feature. The integrated appliance is then leasable hardware that sits on the end users network facilitating printer and document management. Install and deployment is dramatically easier than any other document and/or print management system Executive Technologies, Inc. (SearchExpress) has been developing and selling Document Imaging and Content Management software for twenty seven years. Print Tracker™ has been providing print management software to dealers since 2004, supports clients on six continent, and has gathered and reported on more than 85 million meters. Overview (continued)
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Advantages Print Tracker™ competitive advantages over similar collection software include: Ease of use No.NET conflicts Ability to find devices when their IP address or print server changes Remote administration of installations Personalized reports Premature cartridge replacement alerts Ability to automatically put meters into billing databases Unsurpassed support through Direct Communication with Support Team Easy Investment Options Print Tracker™ provides the following benefits to its clients: Quick device discovery Finds Lost Devices Routable notifications Web based ePortal Total Cost of Ownership tool Print Tracker™ Software and Admin Training Direct Communication with Support Team Benefits
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Ease of Use No installation of collection software required! Print Tracker™ comes Pre-installed on the Document Management Appliance Print Tracker™ automatically discovers network devices No.NET conflicts Print Tracker™ does not rely on the.NET framework There is no conflict on workstations running.NET framework Print Tracker™ does not compromise a client’s data security Finds lost devices Print Tracker™ operates in ‘sleep-mode’ most of the time Print Tracker™ performs automatic discovery alerting when new devices are discovered New subnet searches can be initiated, via the Print Tracker™ Admin Remote administration of installations The Print Tracker™ Admin utility allows management of installations from your office Administrators can change the report schedules, alert settings, notification addresses, view historical device data, and more Personalized reports Print Tracker™ reports that are ed or generated from the Admin utility Reports are created from templates and can be customized to fit dealer requirements Advantages
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Advantages (continued) Supply, Premature Cartridge Replacement and Service alerts Print Tracker™ monitors toner and service status Print Tracker™ provides information to the team member who can take action Supply team can be notified when toner level reach predetermined thresholds levels Service information can be sent directly to the service team Only one alert per event is sent – Dealers are not ‘buried’ with notices! Alerts can be sent for premature cartridge replacement Billing database integration Print Tracker’s™ optional Data Processor automatically puts meters into e-automate, OMD, NextGen, Great Plains, Soaring, and Miracle Service The Print Tracker™ Data Processor runs on a schedule, inserting meter data based on serial number, MAC address and/or equipment ID Unsurpassed Support A live person answers the phone when dealers call! With over 85 million meters reporting, we are attuned to our clients’ needs Cost Print Tracker™ software integration with the Document Management Appliance from SearchExpress is included in the product investment amount. To use the print management feature, a Print Tracker™ license is required. Please contact Print Tracker™ for the investment option that fits the dealer’s needs
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Benefits Quick device discovery Ability to download Print Tracker™ files from pre-loaded software within the Appliance – Site data is automatically sent to those who can take action Unique personalized deployment with your PrintSearch Tracker branding – Software deployed upon communication with provider: The dealer’s installation credentials will be registered with the installation Meter reports will be sent to the dealer’s designated recipient Device status alerts can be configured upon dealer demand Finds Lost Devices Print Tracker™ operates in ‘sleep-mode’ most of the time. Twice a week, Print Tracker™ ‘wakes up’, and performs automatic discovery alerting when new devices are found. Subnet searches can be initiated, via the Print Tracker™ Admin utility. Routable notifications s are sent to the person or team who can take action – Meter reports can be sent to accounting – Supply and Premature Cartridge Replacement alerts sent to supply team – Service alerts can be sent to dispatch and/or service manager
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: Benefits (continued) Web based ePortal Quick access to data from internet enabled ‘smart’ devices Allows viewing of: – Installations – Current meters – Device Status Total Cost of Ownership tool Built-in tool within the Admin – Customizable fields for page fill, labor rate and supply costs – Modify and add your own cartridge, yield and pricing information – Tailor you own maintenance kit yield and pricing information Add / Delete devices to show potential savings to customer Report creation for proposal generation Print Tracker™ Software and Admin Training Initial Print Tracker™ software and Admin training. Training for deployment team – MPS Specialist, Sales team, service Techs, Management Direct Communication with Support Team Phone and web conferencing training and support as needed Built into the program ‘Submit Trouble or Enhancement Requests’ – Submit new ideas directly to the programmers
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd, Suite 107 Boise, ID Tel: Toll free: SX-8 Imaging / Document Management Appliance – PST Appliance Specifications: The box is 7 in x 6 in x 2 in that runs Windows 7 professional SX-8 Appliance ships with a 500 GB hard drive SearchExpress is available in English The SX-8 Imaging Appliance is designed to keep your MFP sales your central focus, while allowing you higher margins and fewer headaches on solution sales.
7950 Horseshoe Bend Rd Boise, Id, USA (866) 629– Stadium Trace Parkway Birmingham, AL Phone: (205) Watch the SearchExpress DMA Video at