by Leo Madden 4/8/11 to 4/15/11
Why are white tiger endanger White tigerfacts Men are getting on tiger turf. Men are illegally hunting tigers. Men are separating tiger groups.
When white tiger went endanger In 1969 the tiger was declared an endangered species. At that time there was an official ban on the export of tiger furs from. 8,000 white tigers left in Russia and China.
What whiter tiger habbit,eat,hunts them and diseases they might have Tigers do not hunt in social groups like lions. They are generally solitary animals. In the wild, tigers will eat pig, cattle and deer. They can eat as much as 40 pounds of meat at one time! After such a big meal a tiger will not eat again for several days. White Tigers have 30 large teeth ranging from 2.5 to 3 inches The white tiger dose not get hunted. Debasis, a 12-year-old heterozygous male Royal Bengal tiger was dead from Trypanosomiasis, a disease of African origin that is spread by the tsetse fly. Another tiger died on July 4, followed by three others the same night, all showing symptoms of the same disease.
How many are left There were nine subspecies of tiger - 3 of which are now extinct. The 6 remaining tiger species: Amur (Siberian), Malayan, South China, Indo-chinese, Royal Bengal and Sumatran all have very shaky futures. There are an estimated 20,000 tigers living in captivity around the world.
White tiger genetics
Protect white tiger Porches should stop killing white tiger they know that they are endanger species. And that it is illegal to kill this animal. Breeding white tiger in captive
How will not having white tiger effects our environment It will mess up the whole food chain and will have to start a new food chain What is being done to increase white tiger population Stop all hunter from hunting this animal And if someone is found shooting a white tiger should go to jail.
Where white tiger lives The light orange is 1960 and the red is 1990