The Bill of Rights
Amendment Definition: Part of speech: noun Synonym: improvement Antonym: deterioration A change or addition to a document or law
Bill of Rights Definition Part of speech: noun Synonym: Antonym: The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which guarantee certain rights
Citizens Part of speech: noun Synonym: residents Antonym: aliens Definition: official members of a country or state
Constitution Part of speech: noun Synonym: laws, rulings Antonym: The basic laws of a stat or nation that tell how the government is run
Freedom of speech Part of speech: noun Synonym: rights Antonym: regulations Definition: the right of people to share their opinions publicly
freedoms Part of speech: noun Synonym: liberties Antonym: rules Definition: rights and powers to act and thinks as one wishes
principles Part of speech: noun Synonym: values Antonym: Definition: basic values or ideas that guide actions or decisions
privacy Part of speech: noun Synonym: secrecy Antonym: disclosure Definition: the state of being alone or not bothered by other people
Racial segregation Part of speech: noun Synonym: separation Antonym: integration Definition: the separation of groups of people from one another based on race
revolution Part of speech: noun Synonym: rebellion Antonym: Definition: the removal of a government from power by force and its replacement with another
right Part of speech: noun Synonym: privileges Antonym: rules Definition: a freedom or power that a person can justly claim
slavery Part of speech: noun Synonym: captivity Antonym: liberty Definition: the state or condition of being a slave, or the property of anther