SAT Question of the Day #3 Activity 1.9 p. 43+ OBJECTIVE: Analyze the use of rhetorical features in an argumentative text. Compare how a common theme is expressed in different texts.
Neither the midlife career change applicant (a) nor the young, inexperienced applicant (b) are finding it easy (c) to begin a career in data processing (d) because of a shortage of job openings. (e) no error
pp SSR means SILENT, SUSTAINED READING. SILENT!!! While reading, highlight when Roosevelt refers or defines the word “freedom”. Then fill in the chart on page 45 with the Four Freedoms from the text. 15 minutes!
FFill in the chart with the amendments from the Bill of Rights that match the Four Freedoms. SSKIM the amendments! Four FreedomsBill of Rights Freedom of speechAmendment 1: freedom of speech Freedom to worshipAmendment 1: no law prohibiting religion Freedom from wantFind anything? Freedom from fearAmendment 2 (bear arms, Amendment 4 (search and seizure), etc.
Which, in your opinion, is the most important freedom? Explain why this freedom is the most important. Give examples from your life, current events, or history to support your idea.
On the test!
pp. 48++
Activity p. 48+ OBJECTIVE: Identify and categorize the use of definition strategies in a text. Apply those strategies to new writing to create an extended definition.
Complex ideas like freedom need an extended definition because they are such complex concepts. Popcorn read!
#4: Write down examples from the text.
Work with your partner. Pg. 50 Chart Brainstorm examples for EACH of the definition strategies.