Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth” John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Day 1: creation of light and its separation from darkness. Day 2: separation of the sky and oceans. Day 3: separation of land from the oceans; spreading of plants and grass and trees across the land. Day 4: Creation of the sun, moon, and stars. Day 5: Creation of sea animals and birds. Day 6: Creation of the land animals. Creation of humanity, "someone like ourselves" (Living Bible). Day 7: God rested.
SourceGenesis 1:1 to 2:3 Paleontologists, Biologists, Astronomers, etc. SunCreated after the EarthPresent before Earth Grass, land plants, treesCreated before the sunEvolved after the sun First forms of lifeLand plantsMarine organisms Birds Created before land animals Evolved from land animals Fruit TreesCreated before fishEvolved after fish Initial diet of animalsRestricted to plants Animals evolved as meat, plant eaters, and omnivores. Age of the universeLess than 10,000 yearsOver 10 billion years Age of the worldLess than 10,000 yearsAbout 4.5 billion years Age of earliest life formsLess than 10,000 yearsAbout 3.5 billion years Where humans came fromCreated from dirt Evolved; higher apes and Homo Sapiens share a common ancestor
Man's practical existence in this world is dependent upon his knowledge of and obedience to certain fixed principles for example; plants need water, air and sunlight. Fixed principles are compatible with biblical creation, but not with the fundamental flux and change of all evolutionist models. Evolutionist belief in perennial flux and change at the root of all phenomena cannot account for the fact that oaks always grow from acorns. To the evolutionist, the common truth of gardening and agriculture which provides his physical sustenance, "as you sow, so shall you reap”, must be false, as for him genetic and environmental change takes place continually. What all this amounts to is that evolutionism militates against survival of any and all natural entities. Darwinist evolutionism with its gradual transmutation of species amounts to continual dying out of species as they are transformed. The Creationist Argument
In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the surprising observations that he had made with the new telescope. These and other discoveries exposed major difficulties with the understanding of the heavens that had been held since antiquity, and raised new interest in radical teachings such as the heliocentric theory of Copernicus. In reaction, many scholars attacked the theory because it contradicted several passages of Scripture. Galileo's part in the controversies over theology, astronomy and philosophy culminated in his trial and sentencing in 1633 on a grave suspicion of heresy. Science Vs Church
Roger Bacon, a thirteenth-century English priest, spent the final fourteen years of his life in a dungeon for writing that in the quest for truth, experimentation and observation are challenges to the uncritical acceptance of spiritual and secular authorities. In the nineteenth century, Charles Darwin was mocked and maligned for "claiming that all living things evolved from lower life forms." And in 1925, John Scopes, a high school biology teacher from Dayton, Tennessee, was accused and convicted of violating a state law which specified that only divine creation as an explanation for the origin of life could be taught in Tennessee public schools.
In 1999 the Kansas Board of Education voted to remove evolution from the list of subjects tested on state standardized tests, in effect encouraging local school boards to consider dropping or de- emphasizing evolution.
In 2004, the school board of Dover, Pennsylvania, voted to require the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution in science classrooms.
Intelligent design (ID) states that the universe and its inhabitants could not have evolved by the "blind chance" set forth in Darwinism. Its arguments are mostly concerned with what it considers to be holes in the theory of evolution, and it claims that these holes scientifically prove the presence of an "intelligent designer" in nature. The designer in ID could be God, but it could also be an extraterrestrial race or some other supernatural force. It does acknowledge the possibility of slight evolutionary changes within a species, it does not recognize the possibility of one species evolving from another nor the chance of highly complex biological systems resulting from natural selection. ID proponents have stated that they aim to debunk Darwinism as the dominant origin theory and to remove naturalism -- the belief that everything around us can be explained by natural causes -- from both science and culture. Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design as a Scientific Theory ID states that everything was designed by an intelligent designer. Here’s some proof…
After a six-week trial, U. S. District Judge John E. Jones issued a 139-page findings of fact and decision in which he ruled that the Dover mandate was unconstitutional. Judge Jones's decision was surprisingly broad. He concluded that "ID is not science," but rather is a religious theory that had no place in the science classroom.