Erasmus for All Creative Europe The Commissions proposals for Directorate-General for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
Highlights to date 400,000 young people a year on average receive EU grants to spend part of their education or training abroad; fastest growth is in work placements Over 2 million have taken part in Erasmus EU-funded films won 5 Oscars in 2011 and 12 Palme dOr out of 20 awarded since artists participate in cross-border projects every year
Meeting new challenges Europe 2020 – investing in education, knowledge and innovation and creativity for jobs and growth Need for more strategic approach to target our investment where we expect the greatest impact
Erasmus for All Two key objectives: individual mobility Modernising the education sector Budget increase of approximately 70%. Total spend over 7 years: 19 billions. Two thirds of budget will target learning mobility 5 million people could study or work abroad; big increases will be in work placements and in mobility of academics, teachers, trainers Beyond Europe: Erasmus Mundus to be fully integrated
Individual opportunity Students: nearly 3 million higher education and vocational students will get support Masters students: a new loan guarantee scheme Youth: to benefit from international volunteering opportunities and youth exchanges Staff: 1 million teachers, trainers, school leaders and youth workers to teach and learn abroad
Modernsing the education sector Aim: Support Member States and non-EU partners in modernising their education and training systems How? Strategic partnerships between education institutions, youth organisations, training institutions and business E-Twinning extended. Capacity building in third countries, focus on neighbourhood countries Support for policy reform Funding opportunities will increase in all educational sectors and for links between them
Youth in Erasmus for All The primary focus will be on non-formal learning for young people to enhance competences. Learning mobility includes non-formal learning. The focus on civic participation remains. Scope to boost youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service. Big boost for learning exchanges of youth workers.
Sport in Erasmus for All Aims: Good governance; knowledge base (statistics); sport for health, social inclusion and against racism, match fixing, doping, violence. Dual careers. What will it fund? Transnational collaboration. Some major events. Gathering evidence. Dialogue. Who can benefit? Public bodies or civil society organisations active in grassroots sport.
A budget increase of 37% 1.8 billions will provide: more opportunities for cultural and audiovisual professionals to develop skills abroad more opportunities for international distribution of works more opportunities for international policy cooperation New focus on the creative economy Creative Europe
Three strands: Culture, MEDIA and a new cross-sectoral loan fund will provide support for Artists, cultural and audiovisual professionals Literary translations Capacity building and networking Audience building Development of films, TV production and video games A new financial instrument giving access to bank loans, open to all operators Priorities and Actions
Irish Participation:Education Erasmus participation is somewhat static, but growth in placements. High interest as a destination (especially for placements). Leonardo Flat? Comenius Fast growing. Grundtvig Irish partners are quite prominent.
Irish participation: Youth, Sport Youth |Quite strong in exchanges; less so in EVS. Sport (small-scale preparatory actions) Surprisingly strong.
Irish participation: Culture, Media Culture Programme Applications are lowest per head in EU (but success rate is high). Media Very strong participation.
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