OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A Task Overview As part of your task organising the French trip, you need to find out about different options for the trip. You must store some of this information for use in Tasks 4 and 5 of this assignment. Using the Booklet This booklet contains everything you will need to complete this task, divided up into 2 sections. 1.RED SECTIONS – Explain exactly WHAT you have to do. 2.GREEN SECTIONS - Give you the space to put your evidence
Task 2 Part A&B Part A 1.Use a search engine and suitable search criteria to find information on the Internet about the costs of different options for the planned trip (e.g. transport options – train /boat / ferry/ plane, sightseeing possibilities/places of interest, evening activities in Paris etc). 2.You must use effective search criteria (e.g. keywords) to find suitable information. 3.You must make effective use of advanced search criteria appropriate to the search engine being used (e.g. advanced search pages, quotes, wildcards) to find suitable information. (Evidence could be screenshots showing the search criteria entered into the ‘Search’ box, and the results returned). Part B When you have found websites containing relevant information, you should: 1.Keep a record of the website addresses (URLs) 2.Store the information found for use in tasks 4 and 5 3.Use favourites/bookmarks to store useful links 4.Organise your favourites/bookmarks into folders. (Evidence could be a list of URLs, some pages showing text /graphics you have chosen and favourites/bookmarks, screenshots of your work area showing the stored files.) OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S3 – Transport 1 Using text and images explain the 1 st Internet search about Transport. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S4 – Transport 2 Using text and images explain the 2 nd Internet search about Transport. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S5 – Transport 3 Using text and images explain the 3 rd Internet search about Transport. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S6 – Activity 1 Using text and images explain the 1 st Internet search about Activities. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S7 – Activity 2 Using text and images explain the 2 nd Internet search about Activities. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A1 - U1T2S8 – Activity 3 Using text and images explain the 3 rd Internet search about Activities. Make sure you include screenshots of the search criteria and the results you collect. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A2 - U1T2S9 – Search Criteria Using text and images explain the Search Criteria (Keywords) you used to find your information. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part A3 - U1T2S10 – Advanced Search Criteria Using text and images explain the Advanced Search Criteria you used to find your information more accurately. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part B1 - U1T2S11 – Website List Provide a List of the Websites on which you found information about Transport and Activities. Do not list the Search Engines you used to find them! OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part B2 - U1T2S12 – Storing Information Using text and images explain Where and How you have Stored the information you have found on the Internet OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part B3 - U1T2S13 – Storing Information Using text and images explain Where and How you have Stored the information you have found on the Internet OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part B4 - U1T2S14 – Storing Bookmarks Using text and images explain How you have stored useful Bookmarks that are related to the work OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part B4 - U1T2S15 – Organising Bookmarks Using text and images explain How you have Organised your Bookmarks into Folders that are related to the work OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part C Part C 1.Explain the copyright issues relating to the use of source material from the internet for business use 2.Comment on the trustworthiness of each source you used 3.Comment on the validity of each source you used by considering the trustworthiness of the source and how up- to-date the information is on each site you have used. (Evidence could be a word-processed document supported by screenshots where necessary.) OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part C1 - U1T2S17 – Copyright Issues Using text and images explain Explain the copyright issues relating to the use of source material from the Internet for business use OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part C1 - U1T2S18 – Trustworthiness Using text and images explain Comment on the trustworthiness of each source you used OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A
Task 2 Part C1 - U1T2S19 – Validity Using text and images explain Comment on the validity of each source you used by considering the trustworthiness of the source and how up-to-date the information is on each site you have used. OCR Nationals ICT – Unit 1 Task 2 Grade A