Chapters 1-4 UNIT 1 REVIEW. A BRIEF INTRO SOCIAL SCIENTISTS Definition: A person who studies people living together in groups, families and societies,


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Presentation transcript:

Chapters 1-4 UNIT 1 REVIEW


SOCIAL SCIENTISTS Definition: A person who studies people living together in groups, families and societies, and their customs, activities, tradition, etc.

Sociology Psychology Anthropology Economics Political Science History Others? THE MANY FACES OF THE SOCIAL SCIENTIST

HOW WE STUDY HISTORY Primary Source - a document or other piece of evidence written or created during the time being studied. Secondary Source - A document which is an interpretation of primary sources. Activity

THE PEOPLING OF THE AMERICAS Land Bridge Theory Watercraft Migration Theories Coastal Route Australia/Oceana

Shift from Hunter/Gatherer  Farmer Why? What does this lead to? Cities Civilization Domestication of Animals Writing Technology


THE AGE OF EXPLORATION The Renaissance Rise of Nations Expansion of Trade Prince Henry the Navigator Wanted to spread religion and Portuguese power Brings skilled people together Makes people want to explore

The discovery of the Americas by Europeans Columbus Sailed for Ferdinand and Isabella Landed on San Salvador Looking for…? Henry Hudson Conquistadores 3 G’s (Gold, God, Glory) Francisco Pizzaro Hernando Cortes Columbian Exchange

COLONIZATION The first permanent English colony in North America. Jamestown Early on… John Smith “He who works not, eats not” Cash crops Eventually lead to… Why establish colonies in the first place? Mercantilism

NEW ENGLAND COLONIES This soil, hills and shorter growing season Not too easy to farm Less disease Fishing, ship building Pilgrims Separatists Mayflower Compact A step toward self-governance

NEW ENGLAND COLONIES Massachusetts Bay Puritans Religious beliefs? Toleration Salem John Winthrop “City of a hill” Rhode Island Roger Williams Toleration?

THE MIDDLE COLONIES Fertile land, longer growing seasons Great for farming! Hudson river is great for trade New York Henry Hudson lays claims for the Dutch Eventually England takes the colony

THE MIDDLE COLONIES Pennsylvania William Penn “Holy Experiment” Toleration Eventually leads to Quakers championing the rights of women, slaves, etc.

THE SOUTHERN COLONIES Warm, hot, humid climate Very long growing season Good for cash crops Swampy areas Lead to early disease Maryland Lord Baltimore Act of Toleration All Christians are part of government Protects Catholics from persecution

THE SOUTHERN COLONIES Virginia Expansion of Jamestown Need for labor due to cash crops Plantation system First use Natives, them enslaved Africans Conflicts with Natives Bacon’s Rebellion “We are the 99%

SLAVERY IN THE COLONIES Grows out of the plantation system Triangular Trade Middle Passage Picture “The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocating us…. The shrieks of the woman, and the groans of the dying, rendered the whole scene of horror almost inconceivable”

THE CREATION AND EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT AND LIBERTY Magna Carta Parliament English Bill of Rights House of Burgesses John Peter Zenger

THE MAGNA CARTA 1215 King John is forced to sign First document to limit the power of the king

PARLIAMENT Originally called the Great Council. Is a legislature…. A group of people who have the power to make laws. Held the “power of the purse” Which is…

ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS In 1689 the King and Queen sign the English Bill of Rights A bill of rights is… A written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect.

COLONIAL GOVERNMENT House of Burgesses Virginia General Court Massachusetts General Assembly Pennsylvania

VOTING Who could not vote? Colonists actually have more rights in the Americas

1735 – Zenger publishes statements which criticize the governor Libel – the publishing of statements that damage a person’s reputation. PETER ZENGER

Democracy depends on well informed citizens The press has a responsibility to keep the public informed of the truth EFFECTS OF THE ZENGER CASE