Developing Biblical Stewards in the New Church Rod Wiltrout Church Finance Specialist ext. 258
The Church Start Many to most of your new church members will be new believers They have no background of on-going giving They are “project” givers They give their tithe to everything but Church
Principles First Stewardship must be a mindset Management, not ownership Faith in God’s ability to provide Phil. 4:19 Stewardship as a part of fulfilling mission of the church Matt. 6:19-21 Must be a major emphasis throughout the year Money seen as a medium, not an end result
Principles First Stewardship must be holistic Finances is just one aspect of stewardship All areas of life are issues of stewardship Help congregation see stewardship as a personal issue
Principles First Stewardship must provide ways for people to come into compliance with God’s Word Financial planning seminars Biblical studies Family training seminars Will & estate planning seminars
How should a new member be approached (if at all) about tithing?
How to Approach? Biblically – Malachi 3:10; 2 Corinthians 8 2,350 passages on money and possessions When – New Members class or Introduction to our Church class Where – In Church or small groups in homes How - Saddleback classes, Crown, Ramsey, Blue: just pick one that fits you
Who should approach them? Pastor New Member Class Leader Mentor Church friend who tithes
Stewardship Follow-up Sermons by the pastor Bulletin inserts Stewardship Bible studies Video Podcasts Testimonies during services Drama during worship service
Preach Stewardship Preach the Whole Word Help Congregation see Stewardship Throughout the Bible Tie Stewardship to Today’s issues Guide Congregation to Apply Stewardship to Their Daily Lives
Drama A powerful way for people to “see” stewardship Easy to do; little preparation needed Can be very effective especially if costumes and settings are used A great place for them to enter ministry
What might the Pastor do to enhance a Stewardship Mindset? Identify every area of life as a stewardship issue Identify stewardship as something we are, as well as something we do Address and bless stewardship efforts- team ship Live it before them
What should be shared with the membership on a regular basis? Reports during services of what God has accomplished- make it visible Show how they are involved Post in the bulletin, website and newsletter what God is doing Because of Your Faithful tithes and offerings…
Small Group Emphasis Greatest impact on learning Reach all ages Available from many sources Can be done anywhere
Stewardship Tracts & Website Puts Stewardship in their hands Can be used throughout the year Can be used for budget emphasis Different tracts to choose from Call Hebe (pronounced E B) Lomeli at (559) www.
Cooperative Program Inserts Keep your congregation informed about missions around the world Help them live out the Great Commission
Giving Options Envelopes help people get on track with their giving Gives the people tax deduction for their giving Helps counters track the money Online Giving Direct deposit giving IRS issues
Biblical and Practical Solutions Gives a balanced view of stewardship Practical answers for today’s financial problems Professional advice to deal with tough issues
Legacy Planning Cut taxes and give more! Legacy Planning Cut taxes and give more! Judy Logan, Director Strategic Giving 20
Stewardship Calendar of Events STEWARDSHIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jan. 6Children’s Toys – skit from drama book Feb. 10Couples Testimony on tithing – English and Spanish services March Annie Armstrong promotion March 17,24 –Financially Confident Women – Sunday evenings conference given by M. Escobedo April 7, 14 (individual cost for workbooks) April 7First Fruits special stewardship promotion – M. Escobedo to order material 5-6 weeks prior May 12Wise Investments tract – Bulletin insert – (supply available already) June 2,10Abound in His Grace – (4) Sunday stewardship promotion led by pastor Page (material 16, 23 to be ordered from Lifeway 5-6 weeks prior) July 28(5minute) SS class stewardship emphasis – Teachers will hand out tract and discuss tithing at the beginning of class. Aug.25(5minute) SS class stewardship emphasis – Teachers will hand out tract and discuss tithing at the beginning of class. Sept. 22(5minute) SS class stewardship emphasis – Teachers will hand out tract and discuss tithing at the beginning of class.
Stewardship Calendar of Events Oct. 5Skit and letter to church members promoting Tithers Enlistment Emphasis. Oct. 13Tithers Enlistment Emphasis -Prove the tithe Day and commitment Sunday led by pastor Page Distribute 2001 Church planning calendar and Ministry Proposal forms to all leadership for 2001 budget preparation. Oct. 27(5minute) SS class stewardship emphasis – Teachers will hand out tract and discuss tithing at the beginning of class. Tracts to be provided by R. Wiltrout Nov.3 Money Management Conference led by R. Wiltrout in English and D. Sotelo in9-12 am Spanish. Nov. 10Ministry Proposal forms for 2001 budget consideration due from leadership Nov. 25, 26Stewardship committee meetings to finalize 2001 budget. (6-9 pm Dinner provided) Dec 1 –8Distribution of 2001 church budget and invitation to church families to attend 12/10 ministry presentation and 2001church budget vote. Lottie Moon promotion. Dec 8Ministry presentations to church. Budget vote. Dec Budget Celebration.
The “Benefits” Letter Dear Brother/Sister Jones, We want to thank you for your faithful giving of your tithes and offerings to the Lord’s work. God has done many exciting things through our church so far this year. For instance: Four youth have accepted Christ and are being baptized this month. A special service will be held to introduce them and the other new church members on April 12th; The Preschool rooms have been re-carpeted; We have been able to give $13, to world wide missions through the Cooperative Program and the Mid- Valley Association; We are on track to our goal for 150 children in our spring Vacation Bible School. Teachers are being trained and supplies are being purchased in preparation for this great event. Last year 25 children made professions of faith. Follow up helped us reach five new families for Christ; And, we now have five small groups meeting during the week. The average attendance has been 34. These small groups help the participants deepen their faith and prepare for their ministry in the church and in the community. Again, thank you for your participation in God’s work through your faithfulness in giving your tithes and offerings. We look forward to seeing you Sunday. Faithful for Jesus, Jim JacksonJohn Jacobson Jim Jackson, PastorJohn Jacobson, Director Stewardship Ministries
The Letter Includes: Quarterly statement Tithing envelope Self-addressed, stamped return envelope They will put money in the envelope and send it back Increase giving as much as 20%
Resources Stewardship Development Association LifeWay Resources Missions Discipleship Group Cooperative Program Promotion Crown Financial Ministries Ramsey
What Questions do you have for me? cell direct line