Studied medicine at Edinburgh University ( ) Studied to become a minister at Cambridge ( ) Born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1809
After Cambridge, Charles sailed aboard the HMS Beagle as a naturalist
The Beagle sailed around the world.
Most people-including scientists believed each species was a divine creation.
Darwin was also influenced by a number of scientists: Lamarck: organisms change over generations Lyell: surface of the Earth changed slowly over many years Malthus: observations about human populations growth
On the voyage, Darwin noticed that animals & plants differed vastly Patterns in the species suggested that the species had changed over time and had given rise to new & different species.
The Galapagos Islands lie 500 miles west of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, directly on the equator. Many of Darwin’s conclusions were based on observations of wildlife in the Galapagos Islands. “Galapagos” means turtle.
What it must have been like to be Darwin… Noticed there were several types of finches.
Finches looked like a bird he had seen on the South American continent.
The birds must have migrated from South America to the Galapagos & changed over the years.
Explanation for the numerous species of birds present. woodpecker finch cactus finch large ground finch
Darwin called this… or (genetic change in a population over time) Darwin concluded: Each species has descended, with changes, from other species over time. Descent With Modifications
Darwin combined the observations & evidence gathered on his voyage to form …or Survival of the Fittest.