Chapter 16 section 1 Darwin's Voyage of Discovery
Key Questions What was Charles Darwin's contribution to science? What three patterns of biodiversity did Darwin note?
Darwin British, 1809-1882 Studied medicine at Univ. of Edinburgh Studied theology at Cambridge 1831, HMS Beagle
Darwin's Journey Patterns of biodiversity 1. Species vary globally Flightless birds 2. Species vary locally Finches/tortoises 3. Species vary over time Fossils Patterns
Chapter 16 sec 2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin's Thinking
Key Questions What did Hutton and Lyell conclude about Earth's history? How did Lamarck proposed that species evolve? What was Malthus's view of population growth? How is inherited variation used in artificial selection?
Influences: Hutton and Lyell Law of Uniformitarianism Outcome: Earth Changes, do living things?
Influences: Lamarck Before—Species unchanging divine creation French Scientist (1744-1829) How organisms changed over time Theory of Use and Disuse Birds webbed feet Giraffe WRONG!!! Outcome: Organisms change somehow
Influences: Malthus 1798 Uncontrolled population growth Outcome: Few individuals
Influences: Artificial Selection Breeders More pronounced traits Banana—seeds Outcome: Some variations are better
Chapter 16 Sec 3 Darwin Presents His Case
Key Questions Under what conditions does natural selection occur? What does Darwin's mechanism for evolution suggest about living and extinct species?
Darwin Alfred Russell Wallace On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Conditions for Natural Selection: Struggle for existence Variation and Adaptation Survival of the Fittest It's all about.... ....reproduction! p. 462
Natural Selection: Peppered Moth
Natural Selection: Peppered Moths Favorable traits passed on The black peppered -- dark forest The white peppered moths -- light forest Adaptation Adapt natural selection
Common Descent Well adapted = survive, reproduce Descent with Modification Evidence: fossil record Evolutionary trees