Implement Agriculture Qualifications FORM THE AGRICULTURE MATRIX TO THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING OUTCOMES APPROACH State of the Art and Perspectives A Note of Presentation of a Work-in-Progress Prof. Francesco Mauro – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi Antonino Magistrali – Italia Forma Maria Concetta Bottazzi – Italia Forma Rossella Reggente – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi André Huigens – Wellantcollege
AIM The aim of this note is to offer some information and preliminary results of WP2 of the project in order to facilitate the contacts at national and European level with the stakeholders, first of all the National Coordination Points, in order to share the finding emerging from the project, and to foster in the future the referencing process and to evidence where further research.
THE SECTORAL APPROACH In general, the results confirm the possibility, actually the advisability, to follow a sectoral approach for several reasons: to support the development of EQS at sectoral level to involve the various actors to take into account inter-(intra-) sectoral differences. In the agriculture field, this choice appears more correct and necessary due to the extreme difference, differentiation, and diversity of agriculture (and of agricultural education and training) in the various countries.
METHODOLOGY The analysis carried out by chains (of interest for the various countries) For now, the attention is concentrated on level 1 to 6 (HEs levels treated elsewhere) To collect learning descriptors for groups of comparison. To connect qualifications to some kind of classification system Learning paths can be formal, non-formal, informal An enlarged definition of agriculture from traditional to multifunctional is used
OPERATIONAL CHOICE EQF analysis in depth on groups of comparison: levels 1 & 2 (often a qualification shortage), level 3 for production process of plant production macro-chain, level 4 for entire flower et al. sub-chain, level 5 for entire wine sub-chain, level 6 for entire animal production macro-chain.
PRELIMINARY RESULTS (1/3) Level 1 & 2 It is confirmed a shortage of qualifications linked to insufficient or even non-existing organized education in many countries (with exception of some central- northern Europe countries).
PRELIMINARY RESULTS (2/3) Level 3 (a)The descriptors observed in the qualification are sufficiently coherent with the learning outcomes but semantic differences between countries have been noticed and need to be investigated. (b)In general, levels of autonomy and responsibility are considered.
PRELIMINARY RESULTS (3/3) Level 4 (a)In some cases, the learning outcomes bestride the limits of the chain/sub-chain option. (b)Regional differences within national situations can be present. (c)Importance of management and administration areas. Level 5 (a)As 3(a) (b)As 3(b)
SOME CONCLUSIONS (1/4) 1. Differences among countries are large and relevant, but some similarities do exist (for instance: insistence of level of autonomy, agreement on the relevance of chains). 2. The differences seem to be larger for lower levels, whereas at higher levels can be re-conducted to few typologies, but further data are needed to confirm such tendency. 3. These differences are deeply rooted in the past (type of agriculture, social rural structure, protectionist interest, tradition, environment, ecc.).
SOME CONCLUSIONS (2/4) 4. There are differences between agricultural workers and independent farmers. 5. Care should be exercised to safeguard important diversity (for quality agriculture) and at the same time to overcome difficulties of mobility and transferability. 6. Anyhow, even a partial harmonization of qualifications is difficult to achieve although worthwhile and represents a major objective.
SOME CONCLUSIONS (3/4) 7. It is necessary first to translate and make understandable the learning outcomes from one country to another; this objective is also difficult to achieve but highly necessary: first to understand and then later to change if necessary and possible. 8. Level of autonomy and responsibility should be considered together with knowledge, skill, and competence. 9. An equilibrium between input-oriented and output-oriented should be established. A re-equilibrium between current practices and the application of the approach based on the learning outcome is anyhow necessary to implement EQF.
SOME CONCLUSIONS (4/4) 10. The involvement of the agri-business component is essential in sharing and understanding the objectives of the EQF and to re-address professional educations, and should be pursued. 11. The quality of professional education (and on-the-job and continuing education) and of HE is crucial.
THANKS FOR THE ATTENTION! Contacts: Prof. Francesco Mauro – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi Antonino Magistrali – Italia Forma Maria Concetta Bottazzi – Italia Forma André Huigens – Wellantcollege Rossella Reggente – Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi