Rolfing Library at TIU Trinity International University Main campus: 700 undergraduates, 1000 graduates The College: 30+ majors Graduate School: 4 Master’s degrees Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS): 17 Master’s degrees, 4 doctoral degrees REACH adult undergraduate program : PDA program pilot : PDA program full launch
Expanding the E-book Collection Our objectives for the PDA program: Serve on-campus and online students Offer “instant gratification” for certain titles Meet high standards of research collection while reducing costs
Establishing a PDA Program Benefits: Purchase e-books only when they are used Track patron usage Weed titles Purchase fewer duplicate copies Save money
Exploring ebrary Features: Academic titles Active reading Potential for greater purchasing power
Workflow in ebrary Contribute certain amount to PDA account Add selections to folder in Bookshelf Share list with Collection Management Librarian Import requests into Working List Add requests to appropriate Profile Retrieve, edit, upload MARC records
ebrary: Bookshelf
ebrary: Profiles & Fund Codes
ebrary: Bible & Theology Profile
Exploring the PDA Program Start small, then expand Reorganize departmental budgets Explore administrative features Train liaisons and part-time staff Identify publishers and series to collect Make decisions about how much to invest Transition to “just-in-time” mentality
Changes in Collection Development Invest money in advance of any purchases Only titles that are actively used are triggered and purchased Money not necessarily spent in current fiscal year
Statistics: Total Investment
Statistics: Departmental Investment
Statistics: Spending in
Statistics: Triggered Titles
Statistics: Savings in Dollars
Statistics: Bible & Theology Investment$1500$7000 Triggered titles351 Value of triggered titles$422$6322
Statistics: Bible & Theology Titles triggered: 51 Pages viewed: 2778 Average number of pages viewed per title: 54.5 Page printed: 171 Chapters downloaded: 128 Usage sessions: 264 Average numbers of sessions per title: 5
Goals & Next Steps Distribute more information to liaisons to support evaluation and selection processes Evaluate reports and share statistics Advertise e-book collection and circulate survey Publicize e-books to raise awareness of collection Investigate how patrons utilize e-books Organize purchase orders, invoices, and reports Run monthly reports and share with liaisons
Conclusion Patron-driven acquisition is a viable collection development strategy, and one that promises to serve our on- campus and off-campus patrons well, especially when Rolfing Library staff scrutinize reports and usage statistics in order to build a targeted, robust, and malleable e-book collection.
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