Evidence 1 The typewriter was used as the computer or iPad in the 1930s Kit used the typewriter everyday to write her dad her newspaper with things that went on around in her life She would write about things that go on around her house and at school “The electronic typewriter, a typewriter with an electronic "memory" capable of storing text, first appeared in 1978.” Then Now $650 $800 (average)
Evidence 2 Kits dad lost his car dealer ship so he had to walk home with no car (page# 32) Charlie(Kits older brother) told Kit that their dad lost his job and now couldn’t go to collage (page #32-35) Her dad was really depressed “Unemployment rose and wages fell for those who continued to work” “Men (and women) returned home from fruitless job hunts to find their dwellings padlocked and their possessions and families turned into the street”
Evidence 3 One of the borders was a dance instructor and she would dance to the record on it(page# 55, paragraph #4) The record player below is the kind they had Kit always wanted dance lessons so when the dance instructor became a border then she got dance lessons(page# 53, paragraph# 2) “The first commercially available stereo recordings were produced in 1957” “Early turntables were operated by a spring-driven motor that required rewinding for each record played; later the use of an electric motor made rewinding unnecessary.”
Evidence 4 Mother has a garden club (page #s 7-12) The garden club is where mother asked if the Howard could stay with them for a while (page#11, paragraph#4-7) “It’s a time when a group of woman get together and talk about their gardens” “They like to talk about flowers and plants at different stores”
Evidence 5 When Sterling was sick the windows were closed when Kit walked in (page #23, paragraph #3-5) They have no air conditioning so they open the windows “The first air conditioning was in 1902” but the Kittredge's didn’t have enough money to bye one This is what the Kittredge's had
Evidence 6 To save money people would have borders (people who don’t have a house to live in) Kit loved having the borders there Kit learned to dance by one of the borders (page# 42, paragraph# 3) “Borders would stay with each other even for one night then go out the next day and try and find a place to stay”
Evidence 7 Will and county walk through the neighborhoods to try and find food and jobs (page# 14, paragraph# 4) They would ride the rails to the next town and find a job there “The bulls were hired to keep hoboes off trains, so you couldn't just go to a railroad yard and climb on.” “As the train was reaching its destination, the hoboes had to jump off before a new set of bulls to arrest them or beat them up.”
Evidence 8 In the 1930s girls would do chores Kits school helped in the soup kitchens (page# 56, paragraph# 4) Kit would help to set the table, wash cloths and clean to help her mom “Kids were always busy. You had chores in those days to do... You came home from school, did your chores, helped with supper, get your lessons, and by that time it's almost bedtime."
Evidence 9 Since people couldn’t find jobs they would move for a little bit to try and find one Kits dad had to go to Chicago to try and find a job(page# 25, paragraph# 3) “Many have families... So, it was probably the only thing they could do. At that time in the cities, you know, there were people standing on the street corners selling apples and pencils, to try to make a living”
Evidence 10 Kits dad owned a car dealer ship The bank took it because he wasn’t making money, because nobody can afford a car during this time(page # 38, paragraph 4) “Car dealerships will pay you thousands of dollars less than the market value of your car. If your car is more than 4 years old, they consider your car junk because lenders will only finance cars that are 4 years old or newer. Private cars for sale will command better prices.”
Bibliography Typewriter History. Great Idea Finder, Web. 21 Mar New York Times. New York Times, Web. 21 Mar Info Please. Highbeam Research, Web. 22 Mar