IRU 7th Euro-Asian Road Transport Conference & Ministerial Meeting Amman, Jordan, June 2013 Building Safe & Sustainable Transport Links Kiran K. Kapila Chairman International Road Federation
Better roads, better world The IRF has been assisting public and private stakeholders in the road infrastructure sector for 65 years. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Knowledge Transfer & Information Sharing Connecting People, Businesses and Organisations Policy & Advocacy We have been doing so by:
Better roads, better world … and in line with our Mission: To promote the development of roads and road networks that enable access and sustainable mobility for all. Vision: A world of safe, sustainable, and efficient roads and road networks. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Accessibility, affordability, sustainability, efficiency The challenges the transport sector faces are all well known… Better roads, better world INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Growing population Growing passengers and freight mobility needs Budget constraints A number of other challenges difficult to express simply in numbers…
Better roads, better world What is needed to deliver safe and sustainable infrastructure? 1.Understanding the transport System Stop thinking transport on a project by project basis. 2. Developing a vision & clear goals What do we want our cities to look like in the future ? What role for transport networks? 3. Prioritizing actions Match vision and goals with your resources = you got to have a clear strategy! INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world What are the barriers? 1.Lack of timely, high quality and comprehensive data. Countries spend considerable amounts of money each year to build, maintain and improve their transport infrastructure in response to the growing passenger and freight mobility needs and the need to renew aging infrastructure. Decision makers need - amongst others - information on spending and the outputs achieved from infrastructure spending in order to prioritize investment. This is critical under tight budget constraints. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world What are the barriers? 2. Lack of appropriate, skilled human resources. Need for capacity building across all levels. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE How does IRF help? Senior Road Executives Course (Birmingham University) Road Safety Auditors Courses Tailor made training
Better roads, better world What are the barriers? 3. Lack of appropriate tools to collect data, analyse data and make informed decisions. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE How does IRF help? Road Accident Data Recorder
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Software tailored to road infrastructure
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Road Accident Data Recorder An innovative software tool for Scientific Accident Data Recording. RADaR is a mobile application developed for paper-less accident data collection digitally, from the accident site/scene.
Better roads, better world What are the barriers? 4. Lack of focused and organized information for top decision makers down to engineers on the ground. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE How does IRF help?
Better roads, better world INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE 9 Themes Free access Multiple languages Searchable Knowledge Centre Knowledge Items Literature & practical knowledge The global Transport Knowledge Practice
Better roads, better world What are the barriers? 5. Lack of innovative thinking and innovative solutions. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE How does IRF help?
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE IRF Committees & Working Groups A neutral platform for experts to exchange ideas, experiences and to identify solutions to common problems.
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE Some of the outputs produced by the Committees ITS Vienna Manifesto Innovative practices for Greener Roads Guidelines for the development of Road Safety Master Plans
Better roads, better world Over the past 65 years IRU has been an undisputable partner and precious ally for the IRF. We look forward to strengthen and develop further this successful collaboration by working together on a number of new projects. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE
Better roads, better world. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE In Conclusion Upgradation of Transport Infrastructure will continue to be the key driver for Socio-economic development. Connectivity, Mobility, Affordability, Efficiency and Sustainability will continue to engage Planners and Developers of Transport. Controlling Greenhouse emissions, maximising use of renewable energy, enhancing safety will be the key challenges in the future. Sustainable solutions with enhanced use of technological innovations will remain in the forefront. Globally, institutions like IRF will be pivotal in the focus area of Environmental Sustainability, Education and Training, Road Financing and Economics, Promoting Intelligent Transport Systems and Enhancing Road Safety.
Better roads, better world We stand ready to work and join hands with those who think like us that better roads and better transport mean a better economy and a better life for everyone. INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION FEDERATION ROUTIERE INTERNATIONALE