Bar Graphs Lesson 2-2
Bar Graphs A graph is a visual way to display data. A bar graph is used to compare data.
Make a Bar Graph…example Make a bar graph of the data. Compare the number of students in jazz class with the number in ballet class.
Steps to making a bar graph Step 1 Decide on the scale and interval. Step 2 Label the horizontal and vertical axes. Step 3 Draw bars for each style. Step 4 Label the graph with a title.
Decide on the scale and interval. The largest amount to represent is 11 (ballet) and the smallest is 4(tap). A good scale would be from 0 to 12. A good interval to use would be
Label the horizontal and vertical axes. The interval numbers represent students. Each bar will represent a style of dance lessons S t u d e n t s Ballet Tap Jazz Modern Style
Draw bars for each style. Remember to make each bar the same width and equally spaced Students Ballet Tap Jazz Modern Style
Label the graph with a title Students Ballet Tap Jazz Modern Style Dance Class Attendance Students Ballet Tap Jazz Modern Style
Use the graph to answer the question Compare the number of students in jazz class with the number in ballet class. About twice as many students take ballet as take jazz Students Ballet Tap Jazz Modern Style Dance Class Attendance
Make a bar graph for the data. Remember… Scale & Interval Label axes Place bars Title