e-infrastructures Orientations for Horizon 2020 Kostas Glinos DG CONNECT
Development, deployment & operation of ICT- based e- Infrastructures Developing the European research infrastructures for 2020 and beyond Fostering the innovation potentialof Ris and their human capital Reinforcing European RI policy andinternational cooperation Integrating and opening existing national RI of pan-European interest Developing new world-class RI Matrix approach to implementation Research Infrastructures in H M
3 3 Infrastructure: The basic systems and services … a country or organisation needs to work efficiently Maturity Ubiquity Accessibility Transparency (usability) Trust, reliability Formation Through connecting isolated systems and networks Transformative, innovative, collaborative Characteristics of (e-)infrastructures Cambridge dictionary Notion includes technical, legal and organisational systems, as well as social and cultural dispositions 3
Staying Competitive in Science Large scale collaborations becoming the norm often global virtual research communities access to rare/remote resources Data-intensive science and innovation Use and manage exponentially growing sets of data Experimentation in silico, simulation Use of high-performance computing
by Science-Metrix Inc. - Data from Scopus, using books, trade journals and peer-reviewed journals
Data explosion
Life Sciences and Health Industrial & Engineering Application for transport and energy Fundamental sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Material Sciences, Astrophysics Applications. Weather, Climate & Earth Sciences Simulation and in silico experimentation
Virtual research communities and e-science environments Research networks – GÉANT Computational infrastructure (HPC, clouds, grids, SW) Data-centric science and engineering e-Infrastructures Vision to make every researcher digital, through the development and deployment of e-infrastructures – achieve the digital ERA
Approach in H2020 De-layering: integrated e-infrastructure services for research communities Coordination and synergies with MS e-infrastructure development - also taking advantage of structural fund financing Going beyond science -> triangle science – industry – society Integrating innovation activities in e-infrastructure development Mapping societal and policy needs to e-infrastructure development Implementing strategic international cooperation, e.g: optimising the inter-connectivity of GÉANT with other global research and education networks ensuring the sustainability of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) as an integral part of EU strategy
Priority on implementation Riding the wave of "big data", supporting seamless access, use, re-use, and trust Support to Open Access (Communication on Scientific Information) and to federating researcher electronic identities (ERA Communication) GÉANT as the European communications commons (recommendations of the GÉANT Expert Group) Implementing the HPC Strategy (Communication on HPC), through the development of services (PRACE) and applications (Centres of Excellence)
Communication on HPC Europes place in a global Race COM(2012)
Orientations Data-centric science and engineering Infrastructure for open access, management of extremely large research datasets, persistence and trust, as well as community-driven data infrastructures, and global coordination for research data Computational infrastructure Support to setting up of HPC Centres of Excellence, deployment of HPC Tier-0 services through PRACE, and deployment of open platforms for scientific computing GÉANT Development and operation of the GÉANT infrastructure, support to international links and opening and strengthening innovation activities e-Infrastructures for virtual research environments Supporting VRE's as an open call (bottom-up) Policy development and international cooperation Global reach and connectivity; governance; sustainability; coordination with MS; e-IRG
Open Science Open Scientific Content data, computational resources and software resulting from public funded research should be made openly available and preserved, for re-use in research and education activities Open Infrastructures reliable, high-performance and economically efficient infrastructures Open Culture career systems should support and reward those who participate in the culture of sharing. Open science should inspire the young and enable adequate education to benefit from the abundance of technical tools and scientific information
Our vision is a scientific e-Infrastructure that supports seamless access, use, re-use and trust of data. In a sense, the physical and technical infrastructure becomes invisible and the data themselves become the infrastructure – a valuable asset, on which science, technology, the economy and society can advance.
Digital Preservation in Europe By Parse.Insight 10 Tales on Data Sharing By project ODE DOI/DAI By DIGOIDUNA reports and studies Global SDI By GRDI2020
reports and studies
Tools for virtual research environments Generic services: preservation, curation storage and computation Open Access: participatory, distributed infrastructure Astronomy Environment … Biology Medicine Atmosphere/Space Physics Social Sciences Scientific Data (Discipline Specific) Other Data Researcher 1 Non Scientific World Scientific World Researcher 2 Aggregated Data Sets (Temporary or Permanent) Workflows Aggregation Path VRE
Governance (rules for access and preservation) Services Manag. of Databases/Repository Discoverability/Provenance (Metadata, DOIs, DAIs, …) Processing, Computation Connectivity/Storage infrastructure Information (Human and Machine) Adapted from e-SciDR study need for coordination at European level e-Infrastructure of Data e-Infrastructure for Data
Thanks for your attention!
chemical safety & toxicogenomics: non-animal tests for predicting chemical safety diXa global virtual brain imaging laboratory outGRID brings together NeuGRID (EU), CBRAIN (Canada) and LONI-ADNI (US) hydrometeorology for natural disasters prediction DRIHM Astrophysics Particle and high energy physics Biomedicine Toxicology Earth sciences Seismology Geophysics Meteorology Computational Chemistry Material sciences …….
e-Infrastructures spending Main user communities supported (excluding GN, EGI, HPC as a common benefit for all communities)