Title I & What’s New at PSE? September 12, 2013
The goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state’s challenging performance standards.
Additional staff (2 nd grade teacher, math lab teacher, parent liaison, science lab teacher- effective 9/23/13) After school tutoring Instructional materials Technology & technology software Subs (to cover teachers while they participate in professional learning activities) Parent workshops
Kristal Brooks- kindergarten Kelly Melson- 2 nd grade Kasi Young- 3 rd Tracey Hext- science lab Cedra Potts- clerk Kari Tucker- parent liaison
Mission & Vision
Providing pathways to bIg dreams Mission I³ Invest, Inspire, Innovate
BELIEFS We believe our school is the catalyst for community stability, growth, and prosperity. We believe meaningful relationships are the cornerstone of a successful learning community. We believe in delivering creative and innovative instruction with passion and perseverance. We believe in achieving goals through analyzing data and setting high expectations for all learners. We believe in providing multi-faceted opportunities for every child, every day.
Science Lab- effective 9/23/13 iPads- 2 carts/60 iPads & hard cover cases After school/Extracurricular activities - Dance lessons- Lisa’s Dance Spot - Kid Fit- World of Champs Uniforms - Outerwear worn during the day should match shirt colors (light blue, white, or navy) - Tights/socks- navy, white, light blue
YearReadingELAMathSSScience %88%72%68%66% %88%79%70%72% Demographics Program Participation American Indian or Alaskan Nat. 0.5% ED 74.1% Asian 0.9% EIP 7.0% Black 65.8% EL 7.1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.3% Gifted 6.5% Hispanic 14.0% Remedial 0.0% Multiracial 4.9% SWD 14.2% White/Caucasian 13.7% CRCT Data
All Students 2011 – 77% (4% exceeded) 2012 – 78% (4% exceeded) 2013 – 73% (7% exceeded)
Writing Math Reading
What are the desired results?* How will the school/team(s) accomplish the desired results? What is the Cost and Funding Source? Who is Responsible? Timeline Include Frequency of Monitoring Increase percentage of students meeting and exceeding writing standards from 73% to at least 75% on the Grade 5 Writing Assessment. Implementation of Writer’s Workshop Provide professional learning opportunities on Writer’s Workshop Collaborative Scoring – focusing on a part of the rubric Practice test- Write Score (pre test in fall and post test in spring) SFPL Funds Title II Funds Title I Funds Administration Instructional Staff Title I Coaches quarterly Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standards in reading on the CRCT from 93% to at least 95%. Refine the Balanced Literacy Program – guided reading, phonics, shared reading Administer and analyze reading assessments to move students SFPL Funds Title II Funds Title I Funds Special Ed funds Administration Instructional Staff Title I Coaches quarterly Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standards in math on the CRCT from 79% to at least 81%. Refine the Balanced Math Program – guided groups, Number Talks Participate in Math Data Team Process SFPL Funds Title II Funds Title I Funds Special Ed funds Administration Instructional Staff Title I Coaches bi-monthly
Our Title I Plan will be posted to our website within the next couple of weeks, along with our School Strategic Plan.