On the Outside Looking Indian: How My Second Childhood Changed My Life Memoir Sets in Kitchener, ON and New York, NY 288 pages Chhaya Kapoor
Author: Rupinder Gill She’s 32 This is her first book. She currently resides in Ontario. Brought up by strict Indian parents She wrote for Barnes & Noble's teen blog Spark Life until she got fired for not understanding the acronym of LOL.
Main Character Rupinder Gill is the only main character She is extremely humorous. She had no social interactions when she was growing up. Television was her best friend. Rupinder missed out on all the regular activities children did as in swimming, sleepovers, dancing etc… When she turned 30 she decided to accomplish all the activities she missed out on.
Summary A recently turned 30 year old who was brought up by strict Indian parents decides to do the things she always felt were part of most North Americans' adolescent experience. She decided she will learn to swim, go to summer camp, see Disneyworld, take dance lessons, have sleepovers and finally get the pet she longed for her whole life. This is the story of Rupinder Gills New Year’s resolution.
Likes and dislikes Likes: Very humorous. A lot of detail when describing her experiences. She tried to complete her goals to her best capability. Dislikes: Felt to long for a memoir. Sometimes it felt like the idea was getting dragged on for too long.
New Vocabulary Amish: pertaining to any of the strict Mennonite groups. There's a phenomenon in Amish culture called Rumspringa, where Amish adolescents are permitted to break free. Content: In a state of peaceful happiness. He was not pleased with the content of the radio show. Manifest: to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding. The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of sophistication.
New Vocabulary Contemporary: a form of dance. Contemporary artists were selected. Competent: Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully. Her prose is competent enough. Meandering: To follow a winding and turning course. Her account takes on an uneven, meandering tone.
Reasons to read the book If you want a good laugh this book is perfect. Boosts your confidence if your trying to accomplish difficult goals. Shows us we can do anything we want regardless the age.
Lessons Learned Its never to late to fulfill wishes. Do whatever makes you happy. Don’t stop yourself because other people are judging. When you accomplish your wish/goal you will have a higher self-esteem.
Back review A lighthearted read for readers curious about the lives of middle-class immigrants or those looking to be identified with the experience of being an outsider. Gill is a heroine, relatable, imperfect and prone to both success and failure. Gill writes about her parents in a balanced way, presenting them as neither angels nor demons
Change the title For my novel On the Outside Looking Indian: How My Second Childhood Changed My life I would change the title. I would change it to On the Outside Looking Indian: Chance to a Better Childhood.
On the Outside Looking Indian: How My Second Childhood Changed Life The Movie Starring Rupinder Gill Directed by: Rupinder Gill Coming out August 7 th, 2013