Please pick up Hashtag Organizer from the back table and sit in your assigned seat. Take the first 15 minutes of class to fill in the requested information. In each box of the top section, list an SFI term that relates to the general topic. Then in the box to the right, choose any 3 terms and explain how they directly relate to each other.
Bell Work: Hashtag Organizer WOD analyze SFI Review: Kahoot Review Lecture: British Beginnings (1.3) Doc Analysis: Causes of the Great War of Essential Question: What Push/Pull Factors led to migrations to the Americas? Homework: Students will read Brinkley, pgs (Review Quiz tomorrow)
(Have you EVER………) (08/14/2015), Block 2
Possible Answer Click Here (Have you EVER……….) (08/14/2015), Block 2
Analyze one of these examples: (Examples) (08/14/2015), Block 4
Possible Answer Patricia has been participating in a social activity now, so her personality has now been given an opportunity to shine. Perhaps she had never been given a chance to be viewed as outgoing prior to dance lessons. Luke and Pedro must have different body types and metabolism. Perhaps Pedro is athletic and Luis likes to play video games. (Examples) (08/14/2015), Block 4
Got a smart phone or tablet with you? Take it out and go to the site above. If you don’t work with a classmate that does have one today. Once there, the game pin is: ________
Unit 1.3
Enclosure Movement – wool prices rise. More farms with pastures fenced in by private owners and common areas eliminated. Unemployed “gangs” needing a place to go. Ireland – formation of plantations and Indentured servants Laborers under contract for a set period of years (7 common) English Civil War and later Glorious Revolution – many left England for North America
Transformed agriculture Plantation system – cash crops Used indentured servants in beginning Why be one? 1620 – 1 st Africans as indentured servants Headright System – 50 acres of land for each family member and/or indentured servant you brought over How would that help both the colonies and England?
House of Burgesses established in Virginia in 1619 White landowners able to create some of their own laws in a representative assembly How is this different than other colonies?
Bacon’s Rebellion – 1675 Western farmers on frontier attacked by Indians Many former Indentured Servants Gov. William Berkeley would not send troops Nathaniel Bacon would lead militia against Indians and then attacked tidewater plantations (rich) Rebellion put down after Bacon killed Would lead to a less use of Indentured servants and more slaves. What other American “ideals” does this show?
Church of England (Anglican Church) started by King Henry VIII Idea of Predestination started by John Calvin Protestant / Catholic conflicts in England Where do Catholics now go? Separatists – wanted to separate from Church of England (Pilgrims) Puritans – wanted to purify the church
Pilgrims were Separatists Landed at Plymouth Plantation in 1620 William Bradford – leader Squanto and Samoset – Indians that helped them Why did the Indians helped them? 1 st Thanksgiving Pilgrims/Plymouth eventually overrun by Massachusetts Bay Colony and Puritans
Mayflower Compact Signed when Pilgrims landed Idea of majority rule, but protection of minorities. Why did they have this? Also lead to the idea of the Supremacy Clause in the U.S. Constitution.
1630 – 1000 Puritans in families arrived Organized with mixture of skilled trades How was this different from Jamestown? Great Migration – 20,000+ moved (English Civil War) Theocracy led by John Winthrop “City upon a Hill” by Winthrop – Boston as a model for the rest of the world (Utopia)
Puritan laws, education, family based on religion Harvard – 1 st college in America – Why started? Cotton Mather – early conservative preacher Idea of the Puritan/Protestant Work Ethic “Idle hands are the devil’s work” Based on Predestination idea What would be a problem with this? Halfway Covenant – allowed baptism of children who were not believers. Why?
Roger Williams Idea of “Liberty of Conscience” – freedom of religion Believed in separation of church and government Fled in 1636 and started colony of Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Believed in Antinomianism “free will” / conversion Preached to men Banned in 1638, she and her followers moved to Rhode Island
Pequot War – 1637, nearly wiped out tribe (thanks to Williams help with other tribes) King Phillip’s War – 1675 Splitting of Iroquois Showed impact of flintlock Puritans made little effort to work with Indians. Salem Witchcraft Trials – 1692 Tituba and young girls 19 hung, 1 pressed, 150+ jailed Conflicts – Religious tensions, Indian pressure, Wealth/Jealousy Effect – power of church decreases
Great Awakening (1730s and 40s) Series of revivals, rebirth of church Creation of new churches “New Light” Preachers Against “old light” ideas “Fire and Brimstone” Sermons Jonathon Edwards – “Sinners at the hands of an Angry God” George Whitfield
Read the primary source passages provided. After reading all three sources, complete the “Analyzing the Evidence” questions in complete sentences on your own sheet of paper.
What were some early American ideals that were established in the Virginia and Plymouth colonies? What is Indentured Servitude and why would someone do it? Why was it used early on in America, but later not used as much? The Puritans came to America for religious freedom, but what happened when someone else wanted that freedom? Give examples. Which colony’s settlers were better prepared when they arrived and why – Virginia or Massachusetts? What happened to the Native Americans in the British North American colonies?