History of Athletic Training Sports Med 2
On Your Own Silently read the paragraph at the top of the page in your book Define the following on your paper using your book: Training: Athletic training: Trainer: Athletic trainer:
5th Century Hippocrates Greatest athletic trainer: Herodicus of Megara ( He encouraged patients to walk 20 miles from Athens to Megara) Father of Sports Medicine First to combine sports with medicine he recommended strict diet, constant physical activity and regular training to maintain health Tutor to Hippocrates Hippocrates Father of western medicine Helped athletes in reaching optimum performance
776 BC First Olympics: first professional athletes
1916 After WWI athletic trainers play more of a role, they started to work at the college level 1917 Dr. S. E. Bilik: Physician who wrote first major text on athletic training and care of athletic injuries: The Trainer’s Bible
1920’s / 1932 Cramer Family Produced a liniment to treat ankle sprains Realized the potential market between athletes and coach To enhance communication and exchange ideas with the coaches they published the First Aider in 1932 They have played an important role in the education of S.A.T’s
1938-1944 Tried to form NATA (National Athletic Trainers Association) Failed because of the war.
1950 Athletic trainers got organized 101 AT’s met in Kansas City and officially formed the NATA The purpose: to establish professional standards for the Athletic Trainer (domains)
First AT’s to Work Olympics 1952 Finland
1970’s 1970: 1972: 1976: Had to get certified Title IX established: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” 1976: Title IX played a big role in the growth of the Athletic Trainer. More athletes = more jobs