By: Chuck Bryant
Colleges I may attend
Shadowing Experience Why did you choose this career?A fitness career offers me the flexibility I need to live the active lifestyle I love. How did you become interested in this type of work?She loves sport and helping people that really need her help. What type of education or training is required for this job? A bachelor's degree is usually the minimum requirement, but many athletic trainers hold a master's or doctoral degree. You need to know about all types of sports and how to play them safely. What is a daily life as a athletic trainer?A Athletic Trainer should be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. They attend all practices and games, they also do a lot of pre- stuff like taping players ankles or filling up water coolers. How many hours do you work in a typical week?Long hours, sometimes including nights and weekends, are common. What are the salary ranges for different levels in this field? They can make between 20-60,000 a year. It just depends on how experienced you are and who you are working for. For example, if you are high school trainer you are not going to be making a lot. However, if you work for a college or Pro team you'll be making a lot more. What do you like best about your job?She gets to do what she loves everyday. What advice would give a student interested in this career? If you love sports and you are willing to learn more about them, then this is a excellent job for you skills in sports to shine.
Topics Discussed
Problems Athletic Trainers not recognizing sport- related concussions. Athletic Trainers giving clearance for sports participation when they are still undergoing concussion like symptoms. Athletic Trainers not being well equipped to help athletes that are injured. Players dying because there Athletic Trainers told them that it was okay for them to participate in sport related activities.
Solutions Having Athletic trainers that are well educated and they are experienced in what they are doing, it can benefit the players in a big and helpful way. Having Athletic Trainers that know when a player looks like he or she might have a concussion, they would know to stop them right way from playing and practicing, and they would make sure that they would see a doctor to see if the concussion is there and if it is serious or not. Athletic Trainers should always be equipped and ready for anything that might come there way. They should have all the tools and equipment that is needed to fix a injury or help it heal without the injury getting worse. No athlete should dye because of a Athletic Trainer mistake, if they don’t know what they are doing they need to go back to school or get out of there, because you are not doing anything but making yourself look bad.