Lesson 1: Choosing to be Alcohol FREE.  Ethanol- the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages  Powerful, addictive drug  Produced synthetically or naturally.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 1: Choosing to be Alcohol FREE

 Ethanol- the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages  Powerful, addictive drug  Produced synthetically or naturally  Fermentation- chemical action of yeast on sugar  Different types of alcohol  Liquors, beer, wine

 At first there may be a “buzz” or “rush”  Masks what alcohol really does to the body  Alcohol=depressant  Drug that slows the central nervous system  Slows reaction time, impair vision  Affects decision making and judgement

 The state at which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance  A person’s physical and mental control is reduced  Amount of alcohol that leads to intoxication varies from person to person

 Peer Pressure  Want to be “cool”, fit in  Family  Do parents drink? Discourage drinking?  Media Messages  Make alcohol use seem exciting and cool

 The Law  Illegal under 21  Alcohol, Violence, Sexual Activity  Victims or perpetrator of violent crimes  Alcohol and sex=dangerous mix  Alcohol Abuse  Excessive use of alcohol

 Maintain a healthy body  Protects from organ damage, decrease chance of injury  Make responsible decisions  Smart choices  Avoid Risky behaviors  Reduce risk of drinking and driving, violence, and sexual activity  Avoid Illegal Activities  Avoid arrest and legal problems