Study on user identification methods in card payments, e-payment and mobile payments Final study - Work Package 2 Presentation key findings Service contract: ETD/2006/IM/F2/92 Prepared by: Synovate Censydiam & The House of Marketing Date: December, 2007
Content Section 1: Background & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Background WP2 Objective of WP2 is to assess the user friendliness, trust and the user’s view on the current and the future authentication methods of cashless payments in Europe and to understand ideal payment solutions WP2 consists out of a qualitative diagnostic phase combined with a quantification of the results of the qualitative phase. European level and country level study.
Methodology Qualitative Quantitative Qualitative diagnostic focus groups in 4 countries: Italy Poland Sweden United Kingdom Per country 1 group session with N=6 respondents Telephonic omnibus interviews via CATI More conservative attitude towards new technologies and payment solutions. Subject: card payments. In countries with a relatively low internet penetration (50%) 6 European countries (France, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Italy) Online interviews More open attitude towards new technologies and payment solutions. Subject: internet payment and innovative payment solutions. 14 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK)
Sample Qualitative Quantitative All have experience with online ‘virtual’ payment and/or mobile payment Age between 25 and 55 years old Per group N=6 respondents: N = 3 respondents using: Online ‘virtual’ payment solutions Traditional offline payment methods N = 3 respondents using Frequently using online ‘virtual’ payment solutions Are open towards mobile and other innovative payment solutions (all trendsetters) Representative sample of N=200 per country Total sample: N=4142 Telephonic omnibus: N=1262 Online: N=2880 The following criteria were used: National representative (gender, age, education, region) Users of payment solutions: Telephonic omnibus: traditional offline (card) payment methods in the last year Online interviews: online ‘virtual’ payment methods in the last year Results on a total European level are weighted in function of the number of inhabitants.
Content Section 1: Background & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Usage of cashless payment solutions Card payments are the most common application in the European countries. In terms of usage on a weekly base: Card payments: 80% Internet payments: 40%* Mobile payments: 4% Barriers towards internet and mobile payments are other payment applications that are more often used not knowing how to use the application distrust towards technology behind application not having the necessary technology to make payments The frequency number for internet should be nuanced: the sample consisted of people who did internet payments during the last year. Therefore this number is probably lower when taking into account the whole population (which also includes more traditional offline payment users).
Barriers* of internet and mobile payment methods in Europe What are the reasons you have used only once a year/never used internet payments/mobile payments? (base=yearly users of internet payment/non-users of mobile payments) Barriers to use internet payments solutions are the fact that other payment solutions are used more than online solutions (39%). The fact that people do not know how to use it and the lack of trust behind the technology each account for about 16%. Barriers not to use mobile solutions are mainly related to the lack of knowledge about the application (38%) and the technology which is missing to do the transaction (21%). The lack of security and trust are more important for mobile applications than for online applications as a barrier. *internet payment: reasons for only using online payment methods once a year mobile payments: reasons for never trying mobile payment methods **only asked for online payment methods
Base=users of payment method User friendliness, trust and relevance of cashless payment solutions in Europe Card payments Internet payments Mobile payments User friendliness Trust Relevance Card payments are seen as most user friendly, trustworthy and relevant. Internet payments in line with card payments but lower level of trust. Mobile payments have lowest numbers. Base=users of payment method
Content Section 1: Backrgound & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Card payment methods in Europe: Applications Cards as a payment method are mostly used for usual household shopping (77%) or withdrawal of cash (74%). Base=users of card payment in last year
Authentication methods of card payments: signature Mostly used as a verification method for: usual household shopping (49%) loyalty program (32%) 81% find a signature user friendly. The level of trust is quite low (47% find the application trustworthy). When combined with an ID-card, the level of trust increases significantly (74%).
Signature as authentication method in Europe: Frequency of usage of applications How often do you use a signature as card identification method? (base=users of application of card payment) (%) A signature as an authentication method for card payments is mostly used for usual household shopping. 33% of the Europeans use a signature at least once a week to pay for their household shopping. About the same number never uses a signature for this application. A signature as authentication method, is least used for the withdrawal of cash. In 63% of the cases, this authentication method is never used to withdraw money.
Signature as authentication method for card payments User friendliness and trust Trustworthiness signature Trustworthiness signature with ID User friendliness Europe: 81% Top 3 countries: Italy (90%), Poland (85%) Hungary (83%) Bottom 3 countries: France (63%) Belgium (71%) Spain (81%) Europe: 47% Top 3 countries: Hungary (59%), Spain (58%) Italy (51%). Bottom 3 countries: France (34%), Poland (48%) Belgium (49%) Europe: 74% Top 3 countries: Hungary (79%) Poland (78%) Spain (77%) Bottom 3 countries: France (57%) Italy (74%) Belgium (77%) Base=users of signature as authentication method for card payments
Authentication methods of card payments: PINcode More frequently used compared to signature. Mostly used as a verification method for: to withdraw cash (88%) usual household shopping (72%) More user friendly (90% on a European level) and trustworthy (76%) compared to a signature.
PIN code as authentication method in Europe: Frequency of usage of applications How often do you use a PIN code as card identification method? (base=users of application of card payment) (%) The most common applications for a PIN code as authentication method are household shopping and withdrawal of cash. A PIN code is than mostly used on a weekly basis. Compared to other applications, a loyalty program is not very often authenticated with a PIN code.
Base=users of PINcode as authentication method for card payments PIN-code as authentication method for card payments User friendliness and trust User friendliness Trustworthiness Europe: 90% Top 3 countries: Belgium (96%) France (95%) Hungary (95%) Bottom 3 countries: Spain (86%) Italy (87%) Poland (88%) Europe: 76% Top 3 countries: Belgium (88%) Poland (83%) Hungary (83%) Bottom 3 countries: France (73%) Spain (74%) Italy (74%) Base=users of PINcode as authentication method for card payments
Content Section 1: Backrgound & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Online payment methods in Europe: Applications In Europe, payments via the internet are mostly done when buying goods on specific shopping sites (like E-bay) (85%). Bank transactions (72%) are also an important application. Base=users of online payments in last year
Authentication methods of internet payments: Online banking: static password Most frequent used authentication method for online banking (86% use it on a monthly base). Is seen as the most user friendly verification method (92% find it user friendly) but has a lower level of trust (74%) compared to a dynamic password.
Static password* as authentication method for online banking in Europe: Frequency of usage How often do you use a static password as authentication method for e-banking? (base=users of e-banking, N=2063) A static password as an authentication method for online banking is frequently used in Europe. The majority (71%) uses it daily or weekly. About 8% of the respondents never use a static password as an authentication method for online banking. *A password is “static” wherein the same authentication data is provided by the user to the system for every transaction. The user always uses the same user identification name (UserID) and password to log onto the system and access his (her) personal web-banking environment.
Static password for online banking User friendliness and trust User friendliness static password Trustworthiness static password Europe: 92% Top 5 countries: Denmark (96%) France (96%) UK (94%) Finland (94%) Italy (92%) Bottom 5 countries: Hungary (86%) Belgium (88%) Spain (88%) Sweden (89%) The Netherlands (90%) Europe: 74% Top 5 countries: Denmark (87%) UK (86%) France (81%) Spain (79%) Italy (77%) Bottom 5 countries: Sweden (63%) The Netherlands (64%) Hungary (64%) Germany (65%) Austria (67%) Base=users of static password as authentication method for online banking
Authentication methods of internet payments: Online banking: dynamic password 56% of the Europeans use it on a monthly base. Lower user friendliness (77%) but more trustworthy (85%) compared to a static password.
Dynamic password* as authentication method for online banking in Europe: Frequency of usage How often do you use a dynamic password as authentication method for e-banking? (base=users of e-banking, N=2063) A dynamic password as an authentication method for online banking is less frequently used than a static password in Europe. Less than 50% of the European online bankers use it daily or weekly. About a third (31%) has never used a dynamic password as authentication method. *A password is “dynamic”, wherein the authentication data provided by the user to the system is different for each transaction. The user always uses the same user identification name (UserID) but each time a new password to log onto the system and access his (her) personal web-banking environment. This method is often based on the use of a device to create or receive the new passwords, such as a mobile phone, a token, or smart card reader or may be based on a card filled with a pre-print set of passwords.
Dynamic password for online banking User friendliness and trust User friendliness dynamic password Trustworthiness dynamic password Europe: 77% (lower than static password) Top 5 countries: Finland (84%) Italy (84%) The Netherlands (81%) France (80%) Denmark (77%) Bottom 5 countries: Poland (65%) Hungary (71%) Germany (73%) Austria (74%) Sweden (74%) Europe: 85% (higher than static password) Top 5 countries: Belgium (91%) Finland (91%) The Netherlands (88%) Poland (87%) Hungary (87%) Bottom 5 countries: Portugal (78%) France (80%) Italy (81%) Germany (81%) Sweden (83%) Base=users of dynamic password as authentication method for online banking
Authentication methods of internet payments: Online payment: directly with merchant Most frequent applications on a monthly base are: Internet shopping sites (57%) Downloading music (45%) Online reservations (37%) The user friendliness is high (90% European average) and the level of trust is good (78%). User friendliness and trust are higher when paying directly with the merchant.
Internet payment with credit card directly with merchant in Europe: Frequency of usage of applications How often do you use a credit card e-payment solution directly with the merchant to…? (base=users of application of internet payment) Most applications via internet payment with the merchant are done on a monthly basis. Most frequent applications for e-payment are e-shopping sites and downloading music.
Online payment: directly with merchant User friendliness and trust Trustworthiness Europe: 90% Top 5 countries: UK (95%) Denmark (95%) France (94%) Italy (92%) Belgium (92%) Bottom 5 countries: The Netherlands (83%) Hungary (84%) Germany (85%) Sweden (85%) Austria (87%) Europe: 78% Top 5 countries: Denmark (90%) France (84%) UK (82%) Italy(82%) Germany (79%) Bottom 5 countries: Sweden (57%) Portugal (66%) Austria (71%) The Netherlands (71%) Finland (72%) Base=users of online payment directly with merchant
Authentication methods of internet payments: Online payment: via payment service provider (trusted third party) Most frequently used for payment transactions on specific internet shopping sites (43%). About a forth of the respondents never use a payment service provider. It is seen as quite user friendly (80%) and the level of authentication is quite trustworthy (76%) but lower compared to payment directly with the merchant.
Internet payment with credit card via payment service provider in Europe: Frequency of usage of applications How often do you use a credit card e-payment solution via a payment service provider to…? (base=users of application of internet payment) In general, payment via a service provider is used on a monthly basis or once every three to six months. For most applications, about a third never uses a payment service provider. E-shopping sites are the most frequently used application.
Base=users of online payment via payment service provider Online payment: via payment service provider (trusted third party) User friendliness and trust User friendliness Trustworthiness Europe: 80% Top 5 countries: Italy (88%) Portugal (86%) UK (85%) Denmark (83%) Germany (81%) Bottom 5 countries: Sweden (64%) The Netherlands (73%) Austria (74%) Hungary (74%) Spain (74%) Europe: 76% Top 5 countries: Denmark (84%) Italy (81%) UK (79%) France (79%) Poland (76%) Bottom 5 countries: Sweden (60%) Portugal (66%) The Netherlands (68%) Hungary (70%) Austria (72%) Base=users of online payment via payment service provider
Content Section 1: Background & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Mobile payment methods in Europe: Applications Texting in competition is the most popular mobile payment application. When payment via the mobile phone is authenticated by means of a PIN code, Europeans tend to rely on this method: the level of trust is quite high (76%). Base=users of mobile payment in last year
4. 2. Mobile payment methods in Europe 4.2. Mobile payment methods in Europe*: Frequency of usage of applications How often do you use mobile payment solutions? (base=users of mobile payment application) Applications of mobile payment with the highest frequency of usage on a weekly basis are texting in competition, automatic vending machines and purchasing tickets for tram or bus. Most of the applications are mostly used on a monthly base. *due to the low number of observations on a country level per application (N<20), results for mobile payment solutions on a country level are not presented
Content Section 1: Background & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Introduction Two innovative authentication methods (Biometry, RFID) were tested: Biometry: is a user identification method that may allow users to improve payments’ security (e.g. fingerprint, eye recognition) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): is a user identification method which uniquely identifies an object or person, when the person passes through places where antennas catch their data by means of a chip that the person wears somewhere on him (her) Next to that a future e-environment or new interface to the internet was tested, namely: iDTV: is an application that will allow you to do payments via interactive television
Base=total online sample Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Biometry, RFID and iDTV: Appeal TOP 2 score 65% 34% 27% Biometry is seen as the most appealing innovative authentication method. As for RFID and iDTV a large majority find these concepts not appealing. Base=total online sample
Base=total online sample Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Biometry, RFID and iDTV: Intention to use TOP 2 score 69% 29% 23% 69% of the Europeans would be willing to use biometry. As for iDTV only 23% would be willing to use this innovative interface for the internet. Base=total online sample
Content Section 1: Background & Methodology Section 2: Cashless payment solutions in Europe Section 3: Authentication methods of card payments Section 4: Authentication methods of online payments Section 5: Mobile payments Section 6: Innovative authentication methods and e-environment solutions Section 7: Ideal payment solution
Ideal payment solution People can have different expectations towards their payment solutions. These different needs and expectations towards ideal payment solutions are presented in a motivational segmentation. Respondents were asked to describe their ideal payment solution in terms of: Satisfaction statements Personality statements Product features Personality and satisfaction statements are based on the Censydiam model. Via clustering techniques, basic structures in the data are revealed. Based on this input, respondents were allocated to different motivational segments.
Building the motivational frame of reference for payment solutions The vertical axis represents the feeling on an individual level towards payment solutions: this can be carefree and open or with a more functional and practical view Freedom Integrate and belong Status The horizontal axis represents the social aspect of payment solutions: it can either help integrate the individual within the environment, create a feeling of belonging, keeping pace with society or empower the individual, create a stronger feeling of status and competence. Control
The motivational frame of reference for payment solutions Control Status Freedom Integrate and belong Makes you have more fun in life Is for people who think that money is a means to an end Allows you to have a carefree attitude Gives you the freedom to do what you towards money want Carefree Spontaneous Progressive Makes you feel on top of the world Friendly Social Makes you feel accepted by modern Unique society Accessible Prestigious Helps you to share good things in life with others Makes you stand out from the crowd Familiar Enables you to deal with money in Gives a sense of competence and everyday life status Shows that you have acquired a certain Makes you feel safe and secure at all position in life times Helps you to deal with money in a Traditional Professional practical way Shows that you are capable of dealing Intelligent/smart with money Pragmatic Helps you avoid taking risks Reliable Is for people who handle money with Trustworthy caution and seriousness Straightforward
Ideal satisfaction of payment solutions People are looking for a practical and safe way to handle their money in daily life. Can you indicate which feelings and emotions you IDEALLY look for in a payment method? You can mark a number from 1 to 7 where 1 means “Doesn’t fit at all” and 7 “fits perfectly”. (Top 6,7) Total sample Top 5 Important Dealing with money in a practical way, in every day life Gives you freedom Gives you safety and security, with low risk Less important Money as a means to an end Feeling on top of the world Source of status and distinction Bottom 5
Ideal personality of payment solutions People need an uncomplicated and straightforward payment method that they can trust. Imagine that someone asks you to describe the character of the IDEAL payment solution. Which words would you use to describe it? You can mark a number from 1 to 7 where 1 means “Doesn’t fit at all” and 7 “fits perfectly”. (Top 6,7) Total sample Top 5 Important Reliable, trustworthy, straightforward Accessible Professional Less important Spontaneous, social Unique, prestigious Traditional Bottom 5
Ideal product features of payment solutions People want a comprehensible and dependable payment method which can be used every day. How would each of the following qualities describe your ideal payment solution? You can mark a number from 1 to 7 where 1 means “Doesn’t fit at all” and 7 “fits perfectly”. (Top 6,7) Total sample Top 5 Important Convenient, user-friendly Dependable For every day usage Free of charge Less important For small amounts, specific applications Anonymous With a signature Technical Bottom 5
Fundamental meaning of payment solutions The ideal payment solution is able to generate a sense of trust and security in every day life. It is a reliable and straightforward application which is accessible for everyone. Control Status Freedom Integrate and belong Makes you have more fun in life Is for people who think that money is a means to an end Allows you to have a carefree attitude Gives you the freedom to do what you towards money want Carefree Spontaneous Progressive Makes you feel on top of the world Friendly Social Makes you feel accepted by modern Unique society Accessible Prestigious Helps you to share good things in life with others Makes you stand out from the crowd Familiar Enables you to deal with money in Gives a sense of competence and everyday life status Shows that you have acquired a certain Makes you feel safe and secure at all position in life times Helps you to deal with money in a Traditional Professional practical way Shows that you are capable of dealing Intelligent/smart with money Pragmatic Helps you avoid taking risks Reliable Is for people who handle money with Trustworthy caution and seriousness Straightforward Top 5 satisfactions and personalities
Different motivations towards payment solutions Via clustering techniques, 4 motivational strategies towards payment solutions are discerned. Gives you the freedom to do what you want Makes you feel on top of the world Shows that you have acquired a certain position in life Gives a sense of competence and status Shows that you are capable of dealing with money Makes you stand out from the crowd Is for people who handle money with caution and seriousness Helps you to deal with money in a practical way Makes you feel safe and secure at all times Helps you avoid taking risks Enables you to deal with money in everyday life Makes you feel accepted by modern society Is for people who think that money is a means to an end Helps you to share good things in life with others Makes you have more fun in life Allows you to have a carefree attitude towards money Progressive Spontaneous Prestigious Professional Intelligent/smart Unique Pragmatic Straightforward Trustworthy Reliable Familiar Traditional Social Friendly Accessible Carefree Competence Seekers Traditionalists Optimists Status Seekers
4 motivational groups toward payment solutions are discerned Four different motivations towards payment solutions are discerned, namely: Status Seekers Competence Seekers Traditionalists Optimists
The 4 motivational strategies represent each about 25% of the population Control Status Freedom Integrate and belong Makes you have more fun in life Is for people who think that money is a Optimists 23,7% means to an end Allows you to have a carefree attitude Gives you the freedom to do what you towards money want Carefree Spontaneous Progressive Makes you feel on top of the world Friendly Social Makes you feel accepted by modern Unique Status Seekers 24,6% society Accessible Prestigious Helps you to share good things in life with others Makes you stand out from the crowd Familiar Enables you to deal with money in Gives a sense of competence and everyday life status Competence Seekers 23,6% Traditionalists 28% Shows that you have acquired a certain Makes you feel safe and secure at all position in life times Helps you to deal with money in a Traditional Professional practical way Shows that you are capable of dealing Intelligent/smart with money Pragmatic Helps you avoid taking risks Reliable Is for people who handle money with Trustworthy caution and seriousness Straightforward
Status Seekers Profile 24,6% of the respondents Expectations towards payment solutions Core (top %) Professional, shows that you are capable of dealing with money Accessible Reliable, trustworthy, makes you feel safe and secure at all times Straightforward, enables you to deal with money in everyday life and in a practical way Gives you the freedom to do what you want Differentiating only Prestigious, unique Makes you stand out from the crowd, shows that you have acquired a certain position in life, gives a sense of competence and status, makes you feel accepted by modern society Social Socio-demographical profile Product features No differentiation in terms of gender, age and education Slightly more males, mostly aged between 36 and 50 years Mostly 2 to 4 persons in the household Relatively more owner/proprietor/director and skilled and unskilled manual work Mostly full-time working Are more up to date with new payment technologies than average person, are more fascinated by new payment technologies Own relatively more iDTV, Palmtop, Blackberry Core (top %) Convenient, user-friendly, for everyday usage, dependable With a PIN code Differentiating only Technical, using the newest technologies For specific applications Bold: statement is also differentiating
Status Seekers Summary* 24,6% of the respondents Status Seekers Summary* They want payment solutions that make them stand out from the crowd and make them unique. It is also about showing success in life. In that respect payment solutions can be seen as a status symbol. They are looking for financial freedom to be able to do what they want and as a way to be on top of the modern world. They see themselves as professional and successful, willing to openly embrace new technology and to be an active participant in the modern world. They talk about their own behavior as if having an almost ‘innate’ aptitude to relate to new payments methods, fully embracing and accepting new technologies in a natural way. They expect a hassle free, practical and user-friendly financial experience. Next to that, they are not afraid of a technical solution that uses the newest technologies. *Integration of qualitative and quantitative results
Competence Seekers Profile 23,6% of the respondents Expectations towards payment solutions Core (top %) Professional, intelligent/smart, progressive Is for people who handle money with caution and seriousness, shows that you are capable of dealing with money Accessible Reliable, helps you to deal with money in a practical way, enables you to deal with money in everyday life Gives you the freedom to do what you want Differentiating only Familiar Socio-demographical profile Product features Core (top %) No differentiation in terms of gender and education Relatively more 50 to 65 year olds Mostly 2 to 4 persons in the household Relatively more separated/divorced/widowed Relatively more middle management or other type of occupation Mostly full-time working Are more up to date with new payment technologies than average person, are more fascinated by new payment technologies Convenient, user-friendly, for everyday usage, dependable With a PIN code Differentiating only Technical For specific applications Bold: statement is also differentiating
Competence Seekers Summary* 23,6% of the respondents Competence Seekers Summary* They want payment solutions for people who handle money with caution and seriousness, to show that they are capable and competent of dealing with money. They expect payment solutions to be intelligent, smart and progressive. Their ideal payment solution can be technical and for specific applications only. The competence seekers are proud, intelligent and ambitious individuals, fulfilled in life. They have a cosmopolitan lifestyle, and a superior attitude. They see themselves as leaders. They want to feel competent and recognized for who they are. They value reliability, special attention and commitment. They need to feel looked after (related to privilege). This group is more likely to be older *Integration of qualitative and quantitative results
Traditionalists Profile 28% of the respondents Expectations towards payment solutions Core (top %) Reliable, trustworthy, straightforward Helps you to deal with money in a practical way and in everyday life Helps you avoid taking risks Makes you feel safe and secure at all times Accessible Gives you the freedom to do what you want Professional Differentiating only Carefree Socio-demographical profile Product features Core (top %) Relatively more 21 to 35 year olds, college or university degree Slightly more females Relatively more living at home with parents Relatively more senior or junior management or clerical administration Mostly working full-time Convenient, user-friendly, for everyday usage, dependable Free of charge Differentiating only Respects your privacy Bold: statement is also differentiating
Traditionalists Summary* 28% of the respondents Traditionalists Summary* The traditionalists need payment solutions that are reliable and trustworthy and that help them deal with money in a practical way and in everyday life. Next to that, there is a strong need for control over their finances. They are very security minded and so look for payment solutions that reduce this risk and make them feel safe at all times. They see themselves as normal people who don’t wish to make a show of themselves. The traditionalists are looking for payment solutions that respect their privacy. The traditionalists are more likely younger people with a higher education. *Integration of qualitative and quantitative results
Optimists Profile Expectations towards payment solutions 23,7% of the respondents Expectations towards payment solutions Core (top %) Carefree, allows you to have a carefree attitude towards money Reliable, trustworthy, straightforward Enables you to deal with money in everyday life and in a practical way Gives you the freedom to do what you want Makes you feel safe and secure at all times Accessible Differentiating only Traditional, pragmatic Social, spontaneous Is for people who think that money is a means to an end Makes you feel on top of the world Helps you to share good things in life with others, makes you have more fun in life Socio-demographical profile Product features Core (top %) Convenient, user-friendly, for everyday usage, dependable Free of charge Relatively more 21 to 35 years, secondary education or lower Relatively more 1 or more than 4 persons in household Relatively more singles Relatively more skilled and unskilled manual work Relatively more part-time working More not interested by new payment applications and technologies, and the usage of these new payment applications difficult Relatively more iDTV Bold: statement is also differentiating
Optimists Summary* 23,7% of the respondents The optimists need payment solutions that enable them to have a carefree attitude towards money. Money is seen as a means to an end: it enables one to share good things in life with others and make life more pleasurable. They have no ambition to experiment or to be seen as innovators. They are not really interested in new payment applications and technologies. They also find these new applications difficult. The optimists are social, warm and open-minded people with a positive attitude towards the future. They need payment solutions that can make them deal with money in everyday life and in a practical, user-friendly. It should also give them the freedom to do what they want. It should also respect their privacy. This group is relatively more part-time working and relatively more single and young. *Integration of qualitative and quantitative results
The 4 motivational strategies represent each about 25% of the population Control Status Freedom Integrate and belong Makes you have more fun in life Is for people who think that money is a Optimists 23,7% means to an end Allows you to have a carefree attitude Gives you the freedom to do what you towards money want Carefree Spontaneous Progressive Makes you feel on top of the world Friendly Social Makes you feel accepted by modern Unique Status Seekers 24,6% society Accessible Prestigious Helps you to share good things in life with others Makes you stand out from the crowd Familiar Enables you to deal with money in Gives a sense of competence and everyday life status Competence Seekers 23,6% Traditionalists 28% Shows that you have acquired a certain Makes you feel safe and secure at all position in life times Helps you to deal with money in a Traditional Professional practical way Shows that you are capable of dealing Intelligent/smart with money Pragmatic Helps you avoid taking risks Reliable Is for people who handle money with Trustworthy caution and seriousness Straightforward
Motivational groups in the different European countries In % (the number of observations per country represent the number of allocated respondents per country) Countries with a high number of status seekers are Spain, Italy, Poland and Hungary. Countries with the highest number of competence seekers are Austria, Germany and Hungary. The highest number of traditionalists are in Sweden, Denmark and Portugal. Optimists can mainly be found in the Netherlands.
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