INTERREG III C: Past experiences and future expectations on Interregional Co-operation Brussels, 12.12.02 Thomas Wobben Verbindungsbüro des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.


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Presentation transcript:

INTERREG III C: Past experiences and future expectations on Interregional Co-operation Brussels, Thomas Wobben Verbindungsbüro des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt Boulevard Saint Michel 78 B-1040 Brüssel Tel.: Fax: INTERREG III update Seminar

2 Content: Status quo of interregional co-operation Experiences interregional co-operation Fundamental thoughts INTERREG III C Timetable INTERREG III C Actions Aims and objectives of implementing INTERREG III C Consortium for a RFO on SME and Tourism Process of interregional co-operation Content of a Regional Framework Operation on SME and Tourism Implementation of a RFO Possible work plan for a Regional Framework Operation RFO Management Structure Regional Partnerships within a Regional Framework Operation The next steps

3 Status quo of interregional co-operation Regions in Europe have very different functions, structures and competencies (often in sharp contrast to local level government in Europe) and they are only able to co- operate in a limited way interregional co-operation up to now was mainly focuses on a project based co-operation of individual organisations (single dimensional co-operations) due to the centralised tendering many regional actors did not apply for interregional co-operation

4 Experiences with interregional co-operation Up to now interregional co-operation was managed at central level: –1999 ECOS/OUVERTURE last Call: more then 400 applications, of which finally 40 were chosen –heavy selection and modification process after project selection –time gap between application and project start partly more then 15 months result: –high efforts for application necessary with a very low success rate, very strict tender and administration procedures –high administrative burden at Commission level with build in conflict potential

5 Fundamental thoughts In order to achieve a Europe of the Citizen it necessary to include local and regional authorities much closer in the integration process To learn from each other and to find joint solution for similar related problems can only be achieved if there are lasting and strong co-operations between the local and regional level in Europe More understanding for the European integration process can only be achieved, if local and regional authorities in Europe can develop their own models for communication, participation and co-operation

6 INTERREG III C Timetable March 1999: adoption of AGENDA June 1999: adoption of General Provision for Structural Funds 28. April 2000: adoption of INTERREG Guidelines 7. May 2001: Communication on INTERREG III C 31. December 2001 adoption of INTERREG III C Operational Programme 20. September Presentation of INTERREG III Programme Complement 15. October 2002 Launch of First Call First Call for INTERREG III C submissions Mid 2003 start of first project implementation !

7 Programme Individual projects Networks Regional Framework Operations INTERREG III C Actions

8 –long term co-operation of regions –multi-dimensional co-operation of regions –bottom up approach through a programme based implementation –strengthening of interregional co-operation also in light of the future financial perspectives of SF programme Ressources year INTERREG Mainstream Programmes 2006 Aims of Implementing INTERREG III C

9 Consortium for a RFO on SME/Tourism SME/Tourism North of England, UK Limburg, NL Valencia, E Sachsen-Anhalt, D

10 Process of interregional co-operation 1999 start of INTERREG Steering Group end 2000 setting up RFO consortium 18./ : 1st Seminar of RFO Consortium (Magdeburg) August 2001: Involvement of Process Consultant 12./ : 2nd Seminar of RFO Consortium (Valencia) : 3rd Seminar of RFO Consortium (Brussels) : Presentation at INTERREG III C Info Day : 4th Seminar of RFO Consortium (Brussels)

11 Content for a RFP on SME and Tourism

12 Implementation of a RFO

13 Possible workplan for a Regional Framework Operation

14 RFO Management Structure

15 Regional Partnerships in within RFO Region 1 Towns Enterprises Chambers of Commerce Associations Regional INTERREG Partnership:

16 From the co-operation of the Partners.... Region 2 TownsEnterprises Association Chambers of Commerce Region 1 TownsEnterprises Association Chambers of Commerce Region 3 Towns EnterprisesAssociations Chambers of Commerce Region 4 Towns Enterprises Associations Chambers of Commerce Co-operation- Project

17... to the co-operation of Partnerships Region 2 TownsEnterprises Association Chambers of Commerce Region 1 TownsEnterprises Association Chambers of Commerce Region 3 Towns EnterprisesAssociations Chambers of Commerce Region 4 Towns Enterprises Associations Chambers of Commerce

18 Timeframe: Deadline for INTERREG III C applications from mid 2003 onwards: Joint implementation Unsolved Questions: simultaneous implementation of INTERREG III C in the four zones simple administration and implementation Next steps

Thank you very much and GOOD LUCK for your RFO!