The ITER Neutral Beam injectors


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Presentation transcript:

The ITER Neutral Beam injectors Antonio Masiello A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Neutral Beam injection: principles Residual ion Dump (RID) Accelerator Ion source Neutraliser Plasma D beam A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The configuration of the NB injectors in ITER A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The Neutral Beam injector A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

NB Power balance and main specifications BEAM BEAM BEAM LINE BEAM LINE 55 55 ¸ ¸ 59 59 SUPPLY SUPPLY SOURCE SOURCE 40 40 16 17 ¸ ¸ 20 20 INPUT INPUT 0.05 0.05 The NB injector POWER POWER 17 17 ¸ ¸ 18 18 to to PLASMA PLASMA 1 1 2 2 ¸ ¸ 4 5 0.2 4 4 ¸ ¸ 8 8 5 5 5 CALORIMETER 0.6 TRANSMISSION LINE ION SOURCE NEUTRALISER DUCT OTHER COMPONENTS POWER SUPPLY RID ACCELERATOR Power delivered to the plasma per injector 16.5 MW Beam energy 1 MeV Ion species D- Accelerated ion current at the grounded grid 40 A Average accelerated ion current density at the grounded grid 200 A/m2 Current density uniformity over the extraction area  10 % Pulse length ≤ 3,600 s A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The ion source Half size ion source test facility Courtesy of IPP-Garching Rear view of the RF ion source A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The MAMuG accelerator 1MV accelerator 5 stages of 200kV 1 segment 1280 apertures 4 segments x 4 groups, 5x16 apertures in a group A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The Beam Line Components Neutraliser Rid Calorimeter Max heat load [MW] 4.56 20 22 Max PD [MW/m2] 2.1 6 Max water flow [Kg/s] 30 90 198 The Beam Line Components Neutraliser Calorimeter RID A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The NB high vacuum pumping 1 section Cryopanel: 4.6K supercritical He Shielding: 80K gaseous He 1 module with 4 sections in parallel Neutraliser A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The Power supplies A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

The Power supplies A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Neutral Beam Test Facility at Padua - Italy The main risk mitigation measure for resolving NB issues The NBTF lay-out reproduces the one of the ITER NB-1 A full size source to start in 2012 A full neutral beam line to start in 2014 A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Global operating states Construction and Long Term Maintenance (LTM) Short Term Maintenance (STM) Test and Conditioning Operation (TCS) Cryopump regeneration at 400 K Cryopump cool-down Cryopump warm-up to ambient temperature HV conditioning over extraction and acceleration grids ion source plasma without extraction ion beam accelerated ion beam neutralized residual ion dump active Short Term Stand-by (STS) Cryopump regeneration at 100 K Pulse Operation State (POS) Beam on calorimeter Beam on target without plasma Beam on target with plasma: beam normal operation of in ITER pulse. Beam is interlocked (e.g. tokamak plasma density) A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Control system main parameters The NB Injector Control System will control the following main parameters: Power to the RF driver Plasma grid current Bias Voltage Extraction grid voltage Acceleration grids voltages Residual Ion dump biasing Caesium oven temperature Gas flows Fast shutter control (and absolute valve) Beam on/off-axis injection Magnetic compensation coil current … A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Control system preliminary architecture (NBTF) CSS Central Safety System CIS Central Interlock System PSS Plant Safety system PIS Plant Interlock System Courtesy of the RFX Association A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

Main acquisition requirements The data acquisition system of each NB Injector will include the instrumentation needed to condition, record, display and analyze the measured signal coming from the beam line Standard analog inputs to CODAC some thousands Standard digital inputs to CODAC about 100 Standard digital outputs from CODAC about 100 Timing outputs from CODAC few Temperature measurements Status signals Gas pressure meas. Residual pressure meas. B field (static) meas. Position transducers Water and gas flow meas. …… Most of the signals sampling speed is 10-100Hz For higher speeds up to MHz, a baseline speed of KHz is foreseen and an event driven acquisition with a window of few ms to acquire the signal up to some MHz Fastest interlock 100ms A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona

References ITER neutral beam heating and current drive system 2001 Design Description Document N53 DDD V. A., Final reports, EFDA contract: TW6-THHN-NBD1 A. Luchetta et al., Final report - Preliminary specification of the architecture of the control, interlock and safety systems for the NB test facility - EFDA contract: TW6-THHN-NBTF1 Plant control design handbook Systems Requirement Document (SRD) NBH and CD PBS 53 L. Svensson, private communication A.Masiello – Colloquium on the ITER-CODAC “Plant Control Design Handbook” - 27-28 October, Barcelona