OVERVIEW OF SITE CONTENT: MAIN IDEAS By Alexander Chkliar, Andrew Corsillo, Bi Min Huang, Bao Tran and Stefanie Dahan
R ESUME E LEMENTS Main Heading: Make sure your name stands out. Career objective: Convey that the prospective position is aligned with your interests. Summary of Qualifications: Outline any relevant qualifications or accomplishments. Education: Show how far you have gotten through school and list any degrees.
R ESUME E LEMENTS ( CONTINUED ) Work experience/ Employment history: List the most relevant work experience. Capacities and Skills: List any relevant skills you have acquired. Awards, Honours, and Activities: Be sure to include this section—if applicable—to stand out. References: Only include this section if necessary.
R ESUME S TYLES Chronological: Use this style if you have years of relevant work experience. Functional: Implement this style if you have limited work experience. Combination: Can be used under varying circumstances; consult our website.
T YPES OF R ESUMES Traditional, print-based resume: Although seemingly trivial, the paper you use can make a difference. Scannable resume: Implement key words and adequate formatting. Online resume ( ): Send it in the appropriate format: E-porfolio: Create one to reach more employers.
M OST C OMMON M ISTAKES ON R ESUMES Lack of focus Listen duties and not accomplishments Wrong order of resume items Unnecessary information Important skills not emphasized Weak format Standard Templates Absence of keywords Reference in the Resume Insufficient Technical Testing Source:
E THICAL M ISSTEPS Inflated education, grades or honors Enhanced job titles “Puffed” accomplishments Altered employments dates Simply put, do not lie on your resume.
F INAL TOUCHES Polishing: Small details can make a big difference. Proofreading: A single spelling mistake can bring your resume to the “rejected” pile. Submitting: Find out how the employer wants you to submit your resume.
C OVER L ETTER Your resume should always come with a cover letter. Introduce your message. Sell your strengths in the body. Request an interview in the closing. Avoid using the first person.