New Government – New Policy - New Development? A status report on Germany by Peter Ahmels President of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) EWEC Athens, March 2006
Wind energy in Germany: installed capacity As of: 1/2006 Total: 18,428 MW Newly installed in 2005: 1,808 MW As of: 1/2006 Total: 18,428 MW Newly installed in 2005: 1,808 MW
Wind energy in Europe: installed capacity
Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG): Targets
High acceptance of increasing utilisation of windpower % Latest surveys:
Source: BEE, 8/2004 Fixed retail price 19.2 ct/kWh Components of electricity price in ct/kWh 1,1 0,52 2,65 3,3 6,2 1,1 0,28 1,99 2,05 Wholesale price Grid access Measuring costs Sales Contribution RES Concession levy CHP Electricity tax VAT Average price of 1 kWh for an average German household
Standard Tariff Ct/kWh Standardized tariff onshore Study: Analysis of Effectiveness of Instruments in the Electricity Sector Fraunhofer / ISI Karlsruhe 2005
ES DE SEFR IT UK AT IE Factor of Effectivness % Price per kWh (ct) BE Study: Analysis of Effectiveness of Instruments in the Electricity Sector Fraunhofer / ISI Karlsruhe 2005 Quota Fixed price Tender- system Efficiency of systems in Europe
Cost of electricity...
$/458g Price of uranium
Price of gas ct
Price of oil $/Bbl
Electricity price at stock exchange Leipzig > + 100% in 3 years €/MWh
Feed-in tariffs for wind energy: 68% degression between 1991 and 2010
The perspective: cheap electricity due to wind energy
Costs of avoidance of CO 2 €/t
Consequence of non-action: growing dependence on imports
“Bottleneck” grid no optimization (temperature monitoring) planning period > 10 years Height limits for turbines general distance recommendations for turbines next to settlement Obstacles
Development of Wind Energy in Germany until 2020 Megawatt year + 11 TMW
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