1 Turkish Pre-Accession Experience in the Maritime Sector Giray YUKSEL Republic of Turkey Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs (UMA)
2 Pre-accession Projects: 1-Projects within the scope of pre-accession in general 2-Projects with EU Agencies : European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)
3 1-Pre-accession Projects in General: UMA has completed 3 projects, and 1 is currently being implemented. Completed Projects: Enhancement of Maritime Safety in Turkey (TW partner=Spain) Improvement of Maritime Safety in Ports and Coastal Areas of Turkey ( Twinning Partners=Germany & Spain) Project for Facilitation of Maritime Transport of Persons with Limited Mobility (Technical Assistance project) On-going Projects: Building a project portfolio for the Maritime Administration (started July 2009, technical assistance project, aimed to prepare an accession strategy for the maritime sector & propose projects for IPA)
4 Achievements of the Project Constant downward trend in Turkish flagged vessels detained or recorded with deficiencies between 2004 and 2006 compared to (Turkey moved up from Grey List to White List issued by Paris MoU in June 2009.) The performance rating of the project was Highly Satisfactory, (the highest score available.) 80% of ship surveyors and PSC officers were trained. Number of Detentions for Turkish Flag Vessels:
5 Key Elements of Success Institutional commitment and ownership by UMA PL (project leader), PIU (project implementation unit) staff and UMA believed the importance of Maritime Safety project Good Twinning (TW) partner (country) selection The quality and experience of the Twinning partner project team Establishment of PIU (project implementation unit) to implement the project and full time dedicated staff Coordination and cooperation within the relevant technical departments in UMA Harmony in PIU, especially among Member State (MS) and Candidate Country (CC) staff (TURKEY & SPAIN) Good Project Cycle Management (PCM)
6 Main Challenges for the Cooperation Integration Interim Evaluation Team Turkey advised that Indicators of Achievements should be modified in the logical framework matrix of Project Fiche. (Project Fiche modified so indicators became time bound and measurable.) Coordination between institutions involved. Although bilateral agreements between EU and Turkey were signed, vague points remained to be clarified such as tax exemption matter… (solved after official and close communication with related government agencies Undersecretariat of Tresuary, State Planning Organization...) Every stage in Supply UMA has faced serious problems. (solved with close follow-up and continuous monitoring)
7 2-Projects with EU Agencies (EMSA) Date / 2009SubjectPlace OctoberTraining on ISPS Code "Ship Security"Lisbon OctoberTraining on places of refugeAnkara 13 October Training on New Approach directives and Marine Equipment directive Lisbon 31 August – 4 September Training on ISM Code "Auditing techniques"Lisbon JulyTraining on environmental issuesLisbon 24 JuneTraining on directive 99/35/EC (Ropax)Lisbon 30 March – 2 April Training for newcomers on EU maritime legislationLisbon FebruaryTraining on Human Element in maritime safety Lisbon 9-13 FebruaryTutoring Project on Directive 99/35/EC tailored for TurkeyIstanbul Activities of EMSA participated by UMA for the year 2009
8 Experiences of Technical Assistance so Far: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) is the specialized agency within the fields on maritime safety, security and marine pollution and provided technical advice and assistance to TURKEY as a candidate country. EMSA is playing a crucial role as an implementer and monitoring body for maritime policies in Europe. The cooperation with EMSA was beneficial and the technical assistance helped to improve the abilities and skills of the technical staff of the Maritime Administration (both decision makers and experts working in the district directories.) Training Programmes were found well organized and satisfactory. Knowledge and experience gained during the activities of the Projects have been used in the development of various legislations and in practical applications.
9 The Key Elements of Success: The Communication and mutual agreement between the agency and the administration. (close dialogue and co-operation with EMSA.) Nomination of the appropriate staff to participate the trainings and workshops. (the different programmes for policy makers, field experts)
10 Main Challenges for the Cooperation 1.To achieve the objectives of the activities organized by EMSA was a challenge, the context of the programmes should be very well understood, the needs of the administration should be well analysed (GAP Analysis) effective coordination and cooperation between the directors of the technical divisions, participants, the focal point and the agency. and there must be a close communication among the parties involved
11 Thank you for your kind attention. Giray Yüksel, Senior Technical Officer Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs (UMA) Web Site: