Management of natural stone deposits, processing stone into final products, marketing and distribution Business areasBusiness concept Fireplace business Building stone business Tulikivi Group
Tulikivi provides its customers with a unique, comprehensive range of services, which includes product design, manufacture, marketing, delivery and installation All natural stone products intended for domestic use are delivered as a single delivery based on the turnkey service principle Tulikivi is the leading ”full service stone company” in its sector Comprehensive Services
The mission of the Tulikivi Group is to use natural stone to manufacture useful products and services that meet the needs of the company's clientele, generate added value for their users and enhance their customers' quality of life. The environmental effects of designing, manufacturing and using these products are always taken into consideration. In order to accomplish its mission, the Group must continue to produce a good financial result, thereby ensuring that investors are able to enjoy a competitive dividend yield and an increased share value. The Group must also provide a secure working environment and a result-based source of income for its employees. Mission
The objective and vision of the Tulikivi Group is to be the leading natural stone company within select market areas by the year Tulikivi aims to be a full-service stone supplier and intends to be a leading fireplace manufacturing company. This means that the Group aims to be the market leader in the heat-retaining fireplace segment within select European market areas as well as Scandinavia's leading natural stone and interior decoration project supplier. Vision
1979Reijo Vauhkonen bought Suomen Vuolukivi Oy 1980 Start of the first production line 1983Export to Germany begins 1987Mittakivi Oy was founded, export to Switzerland and Sweden 1988Decision about going international, model range for export 1988OTC listing, extending production 1994Tulikivi listed in the Helsinki Stock Exchange 1999Building of Suomussalmi factory, Kiantastone Oy 1999Tulikivi 20 years 2000Acquisition of Tulikivi Rakennuskivet Oy 2002Merger of Mittakivi Oy, Kiantastone Oy and Tulipuu Oy to Tulikivi Oyj 2003 Merger of Tulikivi Rakennuskivet Oy with Tulikivi Oyj 2003 Purchase of Kivia Oy History of Tulikivi
Factory Studio Tulikivi Group’s Factories and Studios
Tulikivi’s Fireplace Business The fireplace business comprises heat-retaining fireplaces, fireplace accessories, heater lining stones as well as comprehensive delivery services associated with these products Over 60 models in production Tulikivi and Kivia product ranges plus custom fireplace services