Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons learned Pablo González Brussels, 14 September 2011
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 2 CONTENT 01 UAS Regulatory Framework in Spain 02 Initial integration of UAS in Segregated Airspace 03 MINERVA Operation 04 SINUE Study 05 UAVs for R&D in ATM: ATLANTIDA 06 UAS Operations – ATM Synergy 07 Conclusions and Recommendations
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned 3 UAS – Regulatory Framework in Spain Military Regulatory Framework: Military Authority: Head of Air Force Staff Ministerial Law: License of Designated UAS Operator (DUO) 2 categories (<> 150 Kg MTOW). Military UAV Operators School created in 2011 Regulation for Military UAS Operation in Segregated Airspace: Based on the concept of Flexible Use of the Airspace Segregated Airspace in time (corridors) and/or space (restricted areas) Considered as Exceptional air activity (case by case authorization) Initially centered in a reduced number of specific areas for crew training and flight testing of systems and operations Civil Regulatory Framework: Civil Authority: AESA (Ministerio de Fomento) Regulatory framework under analysis Coordination with Military Authorities Developing Permits to Fly for UAS experimentation on a case by case basis
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned Initial integration of UAS in Segregated Airspace Operational Military UAS: PASI Not designed for Certification Large number of flight hours Needed for crew training and operational validation Useful for governamental uses (Mutualization) Alternative Certification way needed (case by case) Military Experimental Airworthiness Certification New developments: PELICANO Experimental Airworthiness Certificate (EAC) awarded by the Spanish Civil Aviation Safety Authority (AESA) Limited flight area, but enough for integration Military EAC initiated Design oriented to Type Certification 4 Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 5 MINERVA Operation Heron 1 MALE UAV operational demonstration Canary Island (Gando Air Base and International Airport) December Operational Flights from an International Airport Operation managed by the Spanish Air Force Full integration with Civil ATC for Take-off and Landing Use of military corridors and Delta area for segregated airspace operation Satellite based Primary Data Link via HISPASAT Ku band transponder Payload: EO MOSP + MPR/SAR Data Integration with Spanish SIVE Maritime Border Control, managed by Guardia Civil Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 6 MINERVA Operation Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 7 SINUE Study Nominal and contingency flight plans (incl. RH routes) designed in coordination with ATC controllers Simulation scenarios: Intermittent failures C2 outages Comm Total Loss Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 8 SINUE Study: ATC Integration Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 9 UAVs for R&D in ATM : 4 year ( ) Spanish R&D Project cofounded by CDTI and lead by Boeing Research & Technology Europe (BRTE) Indra has defined, developed and provided the ground ATM platform for experimentation of the following concepts: ADS-B Use of Aircraft/Flight Intent Air/Ground Trajectory Synchronization With 4D trajectory data Trajectory Negotiation Decision Support Tools: Conflict Detection Conflict Resolution, Sequencing and Scheduling A new concept of Autopilot, capable to interact in real time with the ATM has been defined and tested ATLANTIDA has used in real time UAVs and simulated traffic integrated in a virtual ATM, for testing advanced ATM concepts Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 10 UAS Operations – ATM synergy SINUE ATM R&D Validation of ATM new concepts using UAS SATCOM for UAS in non-segregated airspace Simulations with ATC Planning of future demo with civil ATM participation MINERVA UAS (MALE) operational demo Use of civil-military intl. airport Operation with Civil ATC Promote this kind of initiatives with(in) UAS today training, experimentation and test Permit to fly Experimental Airworthiness Certificate PASI PELICANO Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 11 Conclusions and Recommendations Define common procedures for UAS Special Certification, both for operational military UAS and for testing new developments Promote creation/use of test ranges & associated airspace to: Enable UAS development Validation and maturity of operational concepts UAS-ATM synergy ATM R&D concept & technology validation: Saving and risk reduction UAS Integration based on new ATM concepts and not in direct pilot functions substitution Increase Civil-Military cooperation: Integration of Military UAS will open the door UAS experience is mainly on the military side Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) important for SES and UAS Large UAS are expected to be gate-openers in UAS integration into non-segregated airspace, but small UAS can also contribute to bring confidence and start testing operational scenarios Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lesson Learned
Insertion of UAS into the Spanish Airspace: Lessons Learned 12 Pablo González Director of Unmanned Systems Ctra. de Loeches Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid España T F