June 14 th, 2012 WV KidStrong Conference Charleston, WV
“The mission of the Oral Health Program is to promote and improve the oral health of all West Virginians”
WV had very limited activity focused on oral health Claude W. Benedum Foundation made initial investment into the oral health of WV WV Partners for Oral Health Established WV Oral Health Timeline
2010 – First ever WV Oral Health Plan was developed This plan is the road map for how we as a State are going to move forward in improving the oral health of WV
WV received a failing grade “F” 2010 Pew Foundation Oral Health Report Card
Kindergarten and Third Grades – conducted in 2011 Oral Health Surveillance
Statewide School Oral Health Surveillance First time WV has been able to provide a snapshot of the State Random Sampling of Kindergarten and Third Grades Calibrated Dental Professionals
Findings Overview 24 Schools 15 Counties 1,093 Students 338 (30.7%) had experiences caries (Tooth Decay) 205 (18.8%) had active tooth decay 28 (2.6%) needed urgent treatment 130 (29%) out of 449 Third Graders Had Sealants
WV Oral Health Coalition By-laws established Leaders selected Meet Quarterly
WV received a year 1 planning grant to strengthen the State oral health infrastructure and increase medical/dental collaboration Hired a FTE Epidemiologist Develop Oral Health Curriculum for All Allied Health Professionals Hire of Statewide Sealant Coordinator DentaQuest Grant
2011 Pew Foundation Oral Health Report Card C
Training developed by WVU School of Dentistry Medicaid & CHIPS reimburses providers with appropriate training Fluoride Varnish Training Program
Universal Pre-K Surveillance Just completed 2012 Oral Health Program secured funding for adult and seniors
WV Kids Count Report
WV for the first time has a full-time dental director, this is a huge step in bringing our state in compliance with recommendations from the CDC and ASTDD FULL-TIME DENTAL DIRECTOR
2012 – Legislation was passed that will allow Public Health Dental Hygienist to apply dental sealants, a preventive measure, to children without a prior examination by a dental. This law also requires that a referral be made to a collaborating dentist for establishment of a dental home Legislation Change
The Appalachian Regional Commission and the Benedum Foundation funded Marshall University to establish school based sealant programs throughout WV --- To Date- 26 communities in 25 counties have received funding School-Community Partnership Sealant Program
Making a shift to a regional approach More of a train the trainer model Supportive roles available to all counties Full-Time Support Care Navigation Educational Materials Oral Health Educator Redesign
Increase in school service programs Increase in dental program and projects within the school and community setting Access to assistance for referrals, support and education Valid, reliable data to support grants, and programs Measurable outcomes What this means for YOU!
What do you need in the way of support? What is working in your school setting? What are some of the challenges you face? What changes would you like to see? What other things do you want to share? Now, I want to hear from you-
Dr. Jason Roush Question and Answer