The Bologna process and post- graduate education in Belarus (on the example of the Grodno State Medical University) Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Secretary of the University Council, Doctor of medical sciences, associate professor I.A. Naumov associate professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, PhD S.P. Sivakova
The main objectives of postgraduate education The main objectives of postgraduate education The main task is to organize and coordinate the process for the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel at the university. organization of training highly qualified scientific personnel through post- graduate, doctoral and competition ; organization and coordination of research by graduate students, doctoral students at the university; development of accept plans for graduate and doctoral students in accordance with the needs of the scientific staff of the university; organizational and methodological support of the certification commission, Problem Committee, Committee on Biomedical Ethics, Commission for acceptance and distribution of graduate students ; advising graduate students, doctoral candidates on their rights and obligations existing rules and procedures for obtaining dissertations ; To provide guidance to implementing research carried out at the expense of the university, in the design of the planning documentation and reporting; organization of the internal review of the planned research topics undertaken at the expense of the University of fundamental theoretical developments;
Admission to postgraduate studies is conducted in 30 specialties Admission to postgraduate studies is conducted in 30 specialties Admission to the postgraduate studies in specialty Hygiene is held since 1977 Admission to postgraduate studies is competitive regardless of specialty and field of science, which implemented educational programs of postgraduate education, as well as forms of education
Admission to the graduate school in 2013 Admission of persons for I-st and II-nd stage of post-graduate education is carried out in accordance with Chapter 4 of the training of scientific personnel of higher qualification in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Presidential Decree of № 561 "On some issues of training and certification of scientists of the highest qualification ". Persons entering graduate school, should have: propensity to research, as evidenced by scientific publications, participation in research and innovation projects, conferences, or other materials; propensity to research, as evidenced by scientific publications, participation in research and innovation projects, conferences, or other materials; recommendation of the Academic Council from institutions of higher education or faculty of the institution (for those graduating in this year) or work experience of at least two years in positions that require higher education. recommendation of the Academic Council from institutions of higher education or faculty of the institution (for those graduating in this year) or work experience of at least two years in positions that require higher education.
Admission to the graduate school in 2013 Applicants to postgraduate studies to obtain academic qualifications "researcher" in daily or correspondence education must pass the Ph.D. examinations and tests in general subjects before enrolling in graduate school. For applicants to graduate school to study by correspondence education for candidate examinations and tests on general subjects, practical work experience of at least two years is required.
the following specialties are admitted for I stage of postgraduate education : Medical branch of science - people who have received higher education in the educational profile "health care", which was qualified as "doctor." By specialty group "Clinical Medicine" in postgraduate studies have the right to enter a person with higher medical education, trained in internship and having the experience of practical work in their profession for at least two years. Based on the recommendation of the Academic Council from the institutions of higher education (faculty of the institution), in agreement with the Highest Attestation Commission and the Ministry of Health who have demonstrated the best results in the learning process in an institution of higher education and / or training in the internship are accepted to graduate school, respectively, with no training at internship and / or two years of practical work.
Admission to the Master's course Admission to the Master's course Admission to the Master's courses is opened for the university specialties of the second stage of higher education by the competition on the basis of the number of people with higher education and the first stage with scientific publications, petitions graduate departments involved in the development of research topics in scientific conferences and seminars. Duration of training - 1 year