Name the Structure
Name the Meristem
Name the Tissue
Name the Ground Tissue Region
Name the Tissue
Name the Cell
Name the Aperture
Name the Layer
Name the Structure
Name the Cell Type
Name the Schlerenchyma Cell Type
Name the Sclerenchyma Cell Type
Name Water-Conducting Sub-Tissue
Name Sugar-Conducting Sub-Tissue
Name the Water-Conducting Cells
Name the Aperture
Name the Water-Conducting Cells
Name the Vessel Member End Walls
Name the Non-Conducting Cells
Name the Cell Type
Name the Cluster of Holes
Name the Sieve Tube End Wall
Name the Cell Type
Name the Non-Conducting Cells
Name the Root Region
Name these Root Cap Cells involved in Gravity Detection
Name the Meristem
Name the Tissue
Name the Structure
Name the Ground Tissue Layer
Name the Wax (A Molecule)
Name the entire network of Wax
Name the Water Pathway
Name the Structure
Name the Layer that produces Lateral Roots
Name the Water-Conducting Tissue
Name the Sugar-Conducting Tissue
Name the Tissue in this Woody Stem
How Many Years Old is this Pine Stem
Name the Region inside the Secondary Xylem
Name the Secondary Meristem
Name the Cell Type
All the Tissue OUTSIDE OF THE VASCULAR CAMBIUM is called _______
What Tissue Ruptures as a Stem Increases in Girth?
Name the Cell Type that Replaces Ruptured Dermal Tissue
Name the Cell Type that Fills in Cortex
Name the Secondary Meristem that Produces Cork and Phelloderm
All the Tissue Produced by the Cork Cambium is called __________
Name the Stem Region
What View is This?
Hardwood or Softwood? Why?
Oak WoodMaple Wood Which is Diffuse Porous Wood? Which is Ring Porose Wood?
Name the Modified Stem
Name the Modified Leaves
Name the Modified Leaves with Tranlucent Tips
Name the Modified Structure
Name the Modified Leaves
Name the Modified Roots
Name the Shoot Region where Leaves, Buds Emerge
Name the Shoot Region Between Nodes
Name the Leaf Region
Leaf Arrangement
Simple or Compound?
Leaf Arrangement