The quality assurance system for studies Master Studies English NVH: 2007
In the Norwegian law; Higher education institutions should have their own quality assurance system to make sure that the quality is good.
NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for quality Assurance in Education Every sixth year the institutions quality assurance system will be evaluated. That will happen to NVH for the first time in April 2007.
NOKUT will evaluate: the systems structure the documentation generated by the system the particular institutions own evaluations of the quality of its study programmes
Quality assurance shall cover all aspects of courses/programmes which are relevant for quality. This means the institutions must have internal processes to evaluate: The study programmes (content and structure) The teaching (use of resources, teachers’ competence and implementation of the teaching plans) Relevant infrastructure, for example library facilities, information technology/ computer equipment and facilities
NVHs system have 6 main topics: 1.The quality of the institutions management 2.The quality of the students who starts at NVH 3.The quality of the study programme, teaching and the student’s results 4.The quality of student exchange 5.The quality of framework; the teacher’s skills, the library, the room facility, the service of the study department and so on. 6. The quality of PhD education
NVHs system: For every topics a list of activity are listed which shall make sure that the topic is of good quality and also evaluate if it is so. The person in charge for the quality for every activity is also given.
Information about study quality All the knowledge about the study quality are given in a report to the NVHs board once a year. In the next year we all work with making the quality better.
Quality system at the web side: The structure of the system are given under: “Kvalitetssystem”, but unfortunately only in Norwegian. You will how ever under the entrance: roller, student, master student find the most important documents for the rules and standards for your study work.
How students participate in this system: In the document: “The Service Declaration at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science “ You will find your rights and responsibilities you have as a NVH student, and also how you can participate in the quality assurance system.
How you can join this system in practice Student representatives VSU SU and LMU Reference group Final written student evaluation of the study programme Written student evaluation concerning learning environments (february 2007) Written student evaluation concerning information before starting at NVH (autumn 2007)
Quality system In this way we hope you will give us information to use in our quality system, and in this way together with other quality assurance routines, make the Master study at NVH of higher quality for every year to come.