Hungarian Research Teachers’ Association Gábor Kiss, István Lagzi * Hungarian Research Teachers Association, H-1146 Budapest Ajtósi Dürer sor
Introduction Hungarian Research Student Association Hungarian Research Teachers’ Association
Members teachers with high pedagogic experience supporting research students on special fields of science carrying out research, issuing scientific publications, taking part in conferences and other special scientific events; students are often also involved in research work lead by teachers teachers doing subject related research, developing education materials and methods, writing and editing learning materials and books contributing to a higher-level education
Main Aims I. Organizing the conference of Research Teachers – twice a year, in spring and autumn – with presentations and workshops that enforce building and establishing contact between teachers, and publishing research results and achievements. Creating an electronic journal on the net to provide the opportunity for research teachers to publish their achievements.
Establishing a database – similar to students’ mentors list – containing the names of university researchers and professors who make research work possible for secondary school teachers. Taking part in education of teachers at universities, which enable graduate teachers to acquire research methodology, setting up organizations for research students and supporting teachers working at public education institutions to attain PhD qualification. Main Aims II.
Providing research circumstances for teachers: e.g. establishing science fund. Interest organization of research teachers: formulating proposals to Ministry of Education and research budget sector. Making and keeping contact with Hungarians and international associations. Main Aims III.
Erika Fodor Vice president Budapest Zsuzsanna Kolostyákné Pljesovszki Vice president Karcag Gábor Kiss coordinator
The II. Conference of Research Teachers’ at Lánczos Kornél Secondary School of Sciences in Székesfehérvár (February 2006). The website of the Hungarian Research Teachers’ Association