Legal Basis of Higher Education in Serbia UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ D. Anti}, V. Jovi}, J. ^ivljak
University of Belgrade University of Novi Sad University of Ni š University of Kragujevac University of Priština Universities in Serbia:
University Law: adopted by the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Serbia regulates:- organization - autonomy - managment - modes of financing
New: The University and the faculty shall have educational and scientific autonomy under this Law. A University and faculty may be founded by: the Republic of Serbia physical person legal person foreign legal and physical person
MINIMAL CONDITIONS FOR ESTABLISHING A UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY Faculty 1 - departments - Faculty 2Faculty n - departments - - departments - Library minimal n=3
The MANAGING BODIES OF The UNIVERSITY - The Rector - The University Council Faculty Institute Student’s Parliament Founder Representative
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Economics Faculty of Electronic Engineering Faculty of Law Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Occupational Safety Faculty of Philosophy, with the Deparetments of arts Faculty of Physical Education Faculty of Science and Mathematics Faculty of Technology Teacher-Training Faculty University of Niš composition:
Faculty of Electronic Engineering Institute Education ResearchDevelopment Department of Automatic Control Department of Electronics Department of Electric Power Engineering Department of Mathematics Department of Measuremennts Department of Microelectronics Department of Humanities and Sciences Dept. of Computer Science and Informatics Dept. of Telecommunications Dept. of Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Dean Vice dean Organization of Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš Vice dean
Current status of studying 2 common years Automatic control ElectronicsInd. El. Power eng. Computer science Micro- electronics 3 years A graduated electornic engineer Specializations: Tele- communications
Undergraduate 5 years Master degree 2 years Ph. degree 3 years Degree: Dipl. eng. Degree: MSc Degree: PhD.
Maximum 32 lectures per week (16 teaching, 16 oral and practical exercises) Exam: o Oral o Written o (Seminar) Average duration of studying: 6.5 years Characteristic of Current curriculum:
NEW CONCEPT OF EDUCATION AT F.E.E. NIŠ 2 common years 1 more year Engineer 180 points 2 more years 240 points Graduated eng 2 more years MS degree 3 more years Ph.D
Maximum 30 lectures (15 teaching, 15 oral and practical exercise). Student chooses specialization. There are compulsory and elective subjects. A student achieves 30 points (credit) per semester. Each point (credit) is equal to the total number of classes (lectures) that a student takes. Lectures are achieved through small groups of students. A student who received the title of an electronic engineer, with at least 180 points (credit) has the right to continue studying, and in that way gain the title of a graduated engineer. Characteristic of new curriculum:
Conclusion After 3 yrs of sudying a student gains the rank of an engineer. Many students quitted studying because of the duration of studies. Now, new studies would be one year shorter. A student is given bigger freedom of choice, concernig freedom of choosing subjects. Special attention drawn to practical traning which will bring progress in industry and economy. Faculty of Electronic Engineering intends to meet the requirements of European concept of higher education, established by Bologna Declaration.