OWL Instrument Concept Studies Within the OWL Conceptual Design to be completed by ESO in 3Q 2005, ESO collaborates with external institutes in the study of a few instrument concepts which address primary scientific goals of the project. Limited in scope but very much needed : To verify with actual instrument concepts the compliance and/or critical aspects in the interfaces and operation scheme of the present telescope design To identify critical issues and required R&D in the instrument development Some of the concepts expected to evolve/merge in the more detailed studies to be carried out within the FP6 program for ELT ( ) sd
SCIENCE DRIVERS FOR m TELESCOPES sd m CELT Concept Study- June m GSMT- June 2003 Scientific Goal Overview European ELTs – being finalized, should be available in April 2005 Terrestrial Planets in Extra-solar Systems Stellar Populations across the Universe Building Galaxies since the Darkest Ages Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Light in the Universe
100m OWL Opto-Mechanical Concept - December 2004
Adaptive, conjugated to pupil; Adaptive, conjugated to 8km; OWL Optical Design December 2004 Courtesy of P.Dierickx
INSTRUMENT FOCAL STATIONS 6 focal stations; switch by rotating M6 about telescope axis. Max. instrument mass 15 tons each. Local insulation & air conditioning Courtesy of P. Dierickx
OWL Instrument Concept Studies Telescope Interfaces Statement of Work sd
OWL Instrument Concept Studies (1) CODEX (Cosmic Differential EXpansion) Experiment Capability: High accuracy radial velocity measurements (~ 1-5 cm/s) Science Goal: To derive cosmological constants from direct measurement of cosmic acceleration ( v / t). Institutes: ESO, INAF-OATs (Italy), Geneve Obs.(Switzerland), IoA, Cambridge (U.K.) ; Responsible: L.Pasquini RUNNING Multi-integral field, near-IR spectrometer Capability: IR 2D spectroscopy at intermediate angular and spectral resolution over several small areas in the field of view of the telescope Science Goals: masses of high z galaxies, regions of star formation, GC stars Institutes: CRAL, LAM, OPM (France); Responsible: J.G.Cuby ; at ESO M.Casali LAUNCHED SCOWL (SCUBA for OWL) Capability: large field camera operating at submillimeter wavelengths Science Goals: surveys of regions of dust formation, high redshift star- forming galaxies, planetary disks Institutes: ATC (UK), ESO; Responsible: I.Egan; at ESO: R.Siebenmorgen UNDER DEFINITION sd
OWL Instrument Concept Studies (2) Mid-IR High Resolution Imager-Spectrograph Capability: diffraction-limited imaging-spectroscopy in the Thermal infrared Science Goals: planetary imaging, star formation from H at high z Institutes: MPIfA Heidelberg (Germany), ESO; Responsible: R.Lenzen; at ESO: H.U. Kaeufl LAUNCHED Quantum Optics and Astrophysics Goal: Review of Astrophysical Quantum Optical Phenomena best suited for OWL observations – Define instrument requirements. Institutes: Univ.Lund (Sweden), Univ.Padua(Italy), Responsibles: C.Barbieri & D.Dravins; Responsible at ESO: B.Fosbury. LAUNCHED “ Large Field” IR camera including Wavefront Sensor Capability: Multi-color imaging at high angular resolution ( arcsec) over a ~1 x 1 arcmin field. Science Goals: faint stellar and galaxy populations Institutes: INAF,OA Arcetri & Padova(Italy); Responsible: R. Ragazzoni; at ESO: E. Marchetti UNDER DEFINITION sd
OWL Instrument Concept Studies (3) Hypertelescope Imaging Camera Capability: speckle interferometry with a partially filled OWL aperture Science Goal: planetary disks; Institute: tbd ; Responsible: A. Laberie ; at ESO : G. Monnet UNDER DEFINITION Planetary Camera Capability: imaging/spectroscopy at the diffraction limit. Science Goal: Planet detection. Institutes: ESO+ tbd; Responsible at ESO: N.Hubin UNDER DEFINITION sd