COPYRIGHTS: In law, the exclusive right to produce copies and to control an original literary, musical, or artistic work, granted by law for a specified number of years (in Britain, usually 70 years from the death of the author, composer, etc., or from the date of publication if later). Symbol (c) THIS ENEMY DESTROY THE COPYRIGHTS….. Free internet downloader Free youtube downloader Free games downloader Song downloader
THREATS: Action or potential occurrence (whether or not malicious) to breach the security of the system by exploiting its known or unknown vulnerabilities. It may be caused by (1) gaining unauthorized access to stored information, (2) denial of service to the authorized users, or (3) introduction of false information to mislead the users or to cause incorrect system behavior (called spoofing). BEWARE!!! Malware (malicious software) & grayware Viruses Worms BackdoorsRootkits Spyware Adware Phishing Pharming
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