Interprofessional Education and Training in the United States: Resurgence and Refocus Barbara F. Brandt, PhD Associate Vice President for Education University of Minnesota Academic Health Center Madeline Schmitt, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor Emerita University of Rochester School of Nursing
AHC Deans - Brandt Drivers / Resurgence of Interest “Triple Aim”: cost, quality & patient experience Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Health/Medical Homes, care coordination and Accountable Care Organizations Many national reports calling for IPE Consensus core competencies for IP collaborative practice Alignment of Funders ( RWJ, HRSA, Macy, Hartford, Moore, others) –Need faculty development - implementing collaborative practice & learning environments –Demonstrate value of IPE on patient outcomes Collaborating Across Borders III
AHC Deans - Brandt Challenges: Can the US refocus? How to implement? Education or training? Little evidence to link IPE to learning/ competency or patient/community outcomes Need for assessment methodologies Practice sites to role model IPCP Is IPE another educational fad or can we refocus?
AHC Deans - Brandt Key questions to refocus How can practice education sites be transformed into learning environments that promote interprofessional collaboration? What are the essential elements? How can we measure process and educational outcomes and link them to patient/community outcomes? What evidence is required to mandate IPE in health professions education? What is the “value-added”?