By Robyn Suter and Camryn Elliot
OUR OPENING CEREMONY!!!!! At the start of the week one of our teaching staff Miss Weston, organised for a swimmer called Craig Benson to come to our school. We asked him lots of questions, here is an example ; If you didn’t do swimming, what other sport would you do? He answered tennis or football! Before the ceremony each class made a flag to represent their class, so each class left the hall and headed to the pitch, we had 1 torch to share and 2 reps ran with the flag and the torch it was great fun!
The Actual sports week! Monday and Thursday: Rotations round each class and we did things like 5 aside with Miss Alan, then we had a lesson on sun safety with Mrs. Keith then we had Healthy Teeth with Miss Reilly and many more. Tuesday: We had a specialist Dental Hygienist and Football with 2 coaches who are from Edinburgh.
SPORTS DAY!! Game 1 : hammer toss Game 2: bean bag throw Game 3: slalom ( rugby ball through cones) Game 4: beat the goalie Game 5 : hockey dribble Game 6 : football dribble Game 7 : hoop run Game 8 : netball shoot. After lunch: Class Races like sprinting and more!!!!
Closing Ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!! During the week, some of the staff had been videoing all the sports and games and we got to watch it! Unfortunately the p.7’s were at Kingswood Monday to Wednesday so they only took part on Thursday! Children were awarded with certificates for being most improved throughout the week, and many more. WELL DONE TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO GOT AWARDS!!!!!
ROBYN’S FAVE SPORTS AND GAMES I liked Sports day and I liked the rotations my favourite rotation was healthy eating with Miss Reilly. I tried lots of new sports and I found I was great in goals but not out on field !!!!! MOST OF ALL, I HAD A GREAT TIME AND I CAME THIRD IN THE SPRINTING!
CAMRYN`S FAVE SPORTS AND GAMES I liked sports day the best because it was allot of fun my favourite game was beat the goalie I got 4 goals !!!!! I tried lots of new sports and games like football and many more. BUT MOSTLY I HAD GREAT FUN !!!!!!!!!
WE HAD SUCH AN AWESOME SPORTS DAY!!!!!! We would love to dedicate this slide show to Miss Weston who organised our sports week and many thanks to her and all the staff for taking up their time to help make our sports week the best week of 2011!!!! Our sports week was better than the real Olympics!!!