26TH of November 2009, Sintra Tim Tregenza & Boglárka Bóla Network Managers (pre-accession) EU-OSHA, Network Unit EU-OSHA`S EXPERIENCES WITH PRE- ACCESSION.


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Presentation transcript:

26TH of November 2009, Sintra Tim Tregenza & Boglárka Bóla Network Managers (pre-accession) EU-OSHA, Network Unit EU-OSHA`S EXPERIENCES WITH PRE- ACCESSION PROGRAMMES

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) EU-OSHA: created in 1996, located in Bilbao, Spain Responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination of OSH information for researchers, policy makers, employers and workers A network – based Agency

EU-OSHA: A network-based Agency Governed by a tripartite board and bureau Principal network comprised of FOCAL POINTS nominated by every Member State - normally the key national authority for workplace safety and health Candidate & potential candidate countries and EFTA / EEA States also have FOPs who have observer status. FOPs not yet established in Kosovo under 1244/99 nor in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Roles of the Focal Points Implement the annual work programme Organise and manage the tripartite national network (government, worker, and employer) Provide information and feedback on initiatives and products organised or funded by EU-OSHA Nominate representatives to expert groups Manage the national Focal Point Website Organise European Campaign activities To attend focal point meetings (3 times a year)

Supporting Western Balkans and Turkey Under the IPA funds EU-OSHA provides support to the Western Balkans (WB) and Turkey (TR) to integrate into its network and participate in activities oProgramme is based on the basic roles of the EU-OSHA Focal Point network PHARE and IPA I pre- accession assistance programmes to support Turkey and Croatia CARDS to support Western Balkans IPA II to support Western Balkans and Turkey

IPA II programme – 900,000 Euro Supported activities Facilitate participation at Agency meetings Missions to the countries to visit the FOPs and the national network partners Seminars in Bilbao to increase understanding on the operation of the Agency, the role of FOPs and national networks Translation and printing of Agency materials Facilitate participation at workshops, seminars in MS

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Campaigns EU-OSHA runs worlds largest regular OSH campaigns under the bannerHealthy Workplaces. Good for you, good for business Campaigns increase risk awareness and promote good practice solutions EU-OSHA organises pan-European campaign, but States can tailor campaign themes to suite local requirements 2008/9 Campaign on Risk Assessment Next campaign: 2010/11 – Safe Maintenance

Campaigning on national level EU-OSHA coordinates the campaign and provides funding for the Focal Points in the MS to promote, stimulate and organise activities at national level Agency provides support to the Focal Points of the WB and TR to organise campaign activities (seminars, press work) oTranslation and printing of campaign materials oFocal Points are encouraged to join the Good Practice Award

Achievements and elements of success Creation of national focal points (FOPs) and national tripartite networks National network support by Agency staff, missions to brief FOPs and networks Agency staff contribution to national seminars, events Participation of States in Agency meetings Translation of core content materials

Achievements and elements of success Participation of States in Agency campaigns since 2006, including translation and printing of campaign materials, good practice competition, and holding of events Participation of European OSH experts in national events (e.g. through twinning programmes) Creation of national Focal Point Websites Participation in major European OSH survey ESENER Better use of funds in case of TR, CR (PHARE IV, IPA I)

Challenges Turkish national service providers - the Agency needs to go through a VAT exemption procedure No VAT problem with Croatia, rest of Western Balkans Printing and delivery from Luxembourg causes problems at the customs in Turkey Still no Focal Points set up in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina - no replies from relevant ministries Capacities differ in each countries to participate in Agency activities Only ad-hoc participation at Expert Group meetings Ministries of WB and TR lack of resources to cover the participation at meetings

Future More missions, seminars to meet the Focal Points and the national network partners to increase understanding on the role of the Agency, FOPs and national network Increased contribution to national events, trainings, seminars More funding to put on the campaign activities (seminars, press conferences, press work)

Future - needs Different stages of development and capacities oSome countries are able to absorb more support, few can cover activities from own resources Agency also needs help from the Focal Points to be able to carry out various activities (comments on Technical Specifications, suggesting companies for tenders, language checking etc.) At present participation in Agency`s projects cannot be planned as funding cannot be guaranteed oLonger programmes are needed (4-5 year programmes) to be able to ensure funding for participation in Agency projects

Thanks for your attention! Tim Tregenza and Boglarka Bola European Agency for Safety and Health at Work