1 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Engineering Status May 17, 2007 F.J. Fuentes InFraRed Imager and Dissector for Adaptive Optics
2 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA: An International Project
3 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IAC Engineering Team M. A. Prieto Head of the IAC Group J. PatrónIAC Project Manager F.J. FuentesSystem Engineer & Technology Transfer J. J. DíazHead of Control Group P. LópezControl Group F. GagoControl Group
4 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IAC Work Packages System Engineering Specifications & EBs Management System Architecture Interfaces Management Quality Assurance Trade-Off Studies Engineering Models RAM Analysis Risk Analysis Maintenance/Users Manuals Configuration Control & Project Intranet
5 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IAC Work Packages Tehcnology Transfer Management of Prototypes Plan Grating Carrousel Protype Mode Switching Mechanism Prototype Focus Mechanism Prototype Lens Barrel Prototype FCTF (Frida Cold Test Facility)
6 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IAC Work Packages Control SoftwareDefinition of Control Packages DAS (Data Acquisition System) CO (Coordinated Operations) OPMT (Observing Program Management Tools) High Level Mechanisms Control Hard/Soft
7 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IAC Work Packages DetectorHawaii-II characterization Detector Controller Fan-out Board
8 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA in GTC GTC AO SYSTEM (Room Temp) FRIDA (77 K) GTC NASMYTH M2 corrects tip/tilt AO system corrects higher orders. S-H WFS Cryogenic instrument Diffraction limited optics
9 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Imaging Mode Concept
10 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 IFS Mode Concept
11 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Engineering Key Points (I) Infrared Instrument Cryogenics using a large cryostat (> 1 cubic meter) Complex optical system Diffraction limited (high Strehl values imaging and spectroscopy modes) Relatively large FOV in imaging mode (up to 41x41 arcsec) High throughput requested Integral Field Spectrograph An Integral Field Unit is needed (very complex all-reflective optical 77K, field slicer, diffraction limited) Complex mechanical system Very high stability and repeatability of the final image on the detector is requested
12 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Engineering Key Points (II) Imaging and Integral Field Spectroscopy Simultaneous Modes A large number of cold subsystems inside the cryostat Three imaging scales Large number of lenses and a cold mechanism to change camera barrels Low, medium and high spectral resolutions Cold grating carrousel mounting an imaging mirror and 7 gratings (~100x45 mm) 2 dof needed to tilt the high resolution gratings
13 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Optical Layout (Imaging Mode)
14 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Optical Layout (IFS Mode)
15 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Integral Field Unit (IFU) Concept
16 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA IFU Layout FOV between 0.66x0.60 arcsec and 2.64x2.40 arcsec 30 slice mirrors (cylindrical). 66 pixels/slice 30 pupil mirrors (off-axis spheres), round aperture 30 field mirrors (spherical), rectangular aperture Relay optics adapts the input scale to the slices size (~350 m) Total IFU amplification is x1 IFU is nearly telecentric (pupil plane on the grating surface for all cameras) Design similar to FISICA (UF)
17 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA IFU Envelope
18 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FISICA IFU Layout Seeing limited 22 slice mirrors Cryogenic All-aluminum. Diamond turned mirrors. Self-aligned from manufacturing
19 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FISICA IFU Layout Slicer Mirrors
20 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FISICA IFU Layout Pupil and Field Mirrors
21 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FISICA IFU Layout
22 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Optical Bench Layout Optical Bench Size: 1800x950 mm Cryostat Envelope: 1950x1100 mm
23 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Camera Wheel Layout
24 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Grating Carrousel Wheel Layout
25 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Focal Plane Wheel
26 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Camera Wheel
27 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Lens Barrel Design
28 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Project Status (I) Operational Concepts Documents, including the science case and the science top-level requirements, is finished Issue 1.A of FRIDA Observing Modes is finished. Software use cases are being developed Optical Design is finished, including a proposal of IFU configuration IFU optomechanical design is in progress Cryogenic tests have been made on materials for IFU mirrors other than Al 6061 FRIDA System Specifications are under internal review The instrument Product Tree is established. All subsystems are well defined at functional and envelope levels A preliminary proposal for the instrument architecture is established and is being analysed according the established layout requirements Preliminary top-down error budgets are being developed
29 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 Project Status (II) The scope and content of FRIDA subsystem specifications is being defined A preliminary design has been established for the Focal Plane Wheel, the Camera Wheel and the Lens Barrels, based on existing LIRIS/EMIR concepts A preliminary proposal of cryogenic cabling layout is being defined Definition and scope of 3-D, structural, thermal and thermoelastic models is established The following Ansys models are being developed: FRIDA steady-state thermal model (thermal power budget) Cold Bench steady-state thermal model (temp distribution) Procurement specifications for Al 6061 are established Material procurement and thermal treatment tests are in progress The preliminary integration and acceptance plan at system level is being defined
30 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA Intranet 32 registered users 218 project documents Archived documentation includes: Applicable documents (reference, standards and GTC documents) Component datasheets Document templates Engineering models Pictures gallery Project documents (draft and released)
31 FRIDA Engineering Status 17/05/07 FRIDA Intranet