What do the following three situations have in common? A manufacturer creates a popular candy with appealing colors. A nutrition researcher explains why eating broccoli may reduce cancer risk. A health organization ships packages of high-protein drink to malnourished children in a remote part of the world.
What is Food Science? Chapter 1
Objective #1 ● Trace the development of the scientific study of food.
History of Food Science 1626, English scientist Sir Francis Bacon wanted to see how stuffing a bird with snow affected the “conservation…of bodies.” “Did freezing preserve chicken? Typical of food science research for many years.
Voc. Term Food Science (Definition from textbook) 1 st food science “textbooks” may have been cookbooks. Mid-1800s, German chemist Justus von Liebig tried to explain things that cooks achieve in his book Researches on the Chemistry of Food.
1896, Fannie Farmer continued with the idea with her cookbook Boston Cooking School Cook Book. Scientist George Washington Carver, found new uses for traditional foods. Developed over 100 products from peanuts, pecans, and sweet potatoes.
Food Science Today Early 1900s, advances in technology gave rise to commercial food processing Clarence Birdseye - frozen food industry started with a refined method for quickly freezing fish. Food industry – started supporting scientific studies of food. _____________________________________ Advanced rapidly in recent decades. New technology continues to open the doors to discovery.
Objective 2 Describe areas included in the field of food science. Areas of Food Science Food Production Voc Term Food chain (Definition from book) Production Processing Evaluation Use Each area contains a wide range of responsibilities.