By Andy Knill Head of Surveillance and Spectrum Management UK Civil Aviation Authority
Background International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is a worldwide regulatory organization, sister organization of ICAO, defining spectrum allocation between all users. 192 Members States, represented by Radio-com Agencies can submit proposals and vote. Aeronautical Agencies can submit information papers and observe. ITU works with WRC cycles during which regulatory and technical work is executed in preparation of next conference. WRC 2012 Agenda items were defined at WRC 2007, hence the existence of WRC 12 A.I 1.3 (UAS) and Resolution 421
Agenda Item 1.3 to consider spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including allocations, in order to support the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), based on the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 421 (WRC 07) d) that any new allocation should not place undue constraints on services to which the frequency bands are allocated; e) that this agenda item is not intended to be used to identify bands for UAS use, but rather only to propose, as necessary, new allocations or modifications to existing allocations to accommodate UAS, resolves that WRC11 consider, based on the results of ITUR studies: 1 the spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including additional allocations, to support the remote pilot in commanding and controlling the unmanned aircraft systems and in relaying the air traffic control communications, as mentioned in considering c); 2 the spectrum requirements and possible regulatory actions, including additional allocations, to support the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems not covered by resolves 1
The Requirement Functionality to be accommodated Command and Control Sense and avoid ATC Relay Payload is a matter for the user Spectrum Requirement as per ITU Studies 34 MHz Terrestrial 56 MHz Satellite
Options Identified Terrestrial Identify new AM(R)S allocation(s) ( MHz, GHz currently proposed) Satellite Use existing AMS(R)S Use of existing MSS, AMSS or AMS(R)S Use existing FSS spectrum with WRC Resolution New ITU Resolution specifying suitable spectrum allocations Identify new AMS(R)S allocation(s)
That command & control, sense & avoid and ATC relay systems are all safety of life That for civil UAS spectrum allocations should be to:- Aeronautical mobile (route) Aeronautical mobile satellite (route) Aeronautical radionavigation That military systems can either use:- Civil certified systems Bespoke military systems provide equivalence is shown Development of regulatory text to protect military interests Position consistent with EACP, CEPT and ICAO CAA Position
Issues to be Resolved How to protect military interests How to avoid undermining safety arguments Identification of suitable terrestrial spectrum Frequency band(s) Demonstrating compatibility with existing services Provision of satellite capability in the band MHz Can satellite system meet the required communications performance
Way Forward Seek satisfactory WRC-12 solution New terrestrial allocation at 5 GHz No new allocation for satellite services Development of regulatory approach allowing flexibility for specialist military systems Support 5 GHz Studies