Basic Principles of Achievement Testing 4. Should be designed to fit the particular uses to be made of the results. Pretest Mastery test Diagnostic test *General achievement or Survey test
Task: Identify the instructional objectives of the course. State the objectives in terms of general learning outcomes (e.g., Student understands the meaning of common terms). Under each objective, list the specific learning outcomes you are willing to accept as evidence of the attainment of that objective. These should also be states in terms of observable behavior (e.g., Student can (1) define terms in his own words, (2) distinguish between terms on the basis of meaning. (3) use the terms effectively in original sentences.
Basic Principles of Achievement tests 2- should measure an adequate SAMPLE of the learning outcomes and subject matter content included in the instruction.
Task: Do you have the details of one of the teaching courses you shared in? If yes, share it with the group. List the given topics per course. How will you design your test based on the given topics and expected outcomes? Via the blue print i.e. table of specification