Contents - Background - Problem description - Decomposition - Integration 10/4/20152
Background “the meeting place for entrepreneurs, scientists and students in the field of IT and the Life Sciences” Polder bordered by Ringvaart, A10 and railway (Student) Housing Faculty of Science of the UvA Europe’s biggest internet hub Facilities and space for high-tech businesses Several institutes of NWO 10/4/20153
Research question How can the design and management of Science Park Amsterdam be improved to create a more sustainable facility? 10/4/20154
Definition Sustainability is “ensuring a good liveability in a healthy living environment, through which a healthy economic development (...) and optimal utilisation of social potential become possible as well” (Dienst Milieu en Bouwtoezicht) Future proof Good liveability Healthy environment Healthy economic development Optimal utilisation of social capital 10/4/20155
Decomposition Physical Energy Mobility Water Ecology Human Liveability Stewardship Institutional Governance 10/4/20156
Energy What? Sustainable energy generation Why? Less fossil fuel Save energy How? Solar PV on roofs Waste heat recovery Heat/cold storage 10/4/20157
Mobility - What? - Restricting use of personal cars - Promoting alternative transportation - Why? - Less pollution - Less congestion - Less fossil fuel - How? - Converting roads into single bus lanes - Promote electric and PT bikes - Creating car sharing and P&R facilities 10/4/20158
Ecology What? Improve ecological quality Why? Improved well-being Improve water quality Future proof ecosystem How? Improve wetland area Phosphate removal at pumping station Planting native wetland vegetation 10/4/20159
Water What Reduce water usage Reduce waste stream Increase flood and rain resilience Why Save energy & materials Enhance public space How Recycling Buffering 10/4/201510
Liveability What? Pleasant living and working environment Why? Improved well-being Increased social interaction Property values and image How? Clean water & transportation Bringing green to the people Bringing water to the people 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam11
Stewardship What? Creating a community of stewards Why: Enhanced awareness of sustainability Promoting responsible behavior How: Communicating information Environmental activities Promoting behavior change Joining initiatives
Governance What Stakeholder participation Why Responsible decision making Efficient management of social capital How Stakeholder analysis Platform for collaboration 10/4/201513
Integration – how? Physical Solar PV on roofs Waste heat recovery Heat/cold storage Prohibiting the use of personal cars Promoting alternative transportation Improve wetland area Phosphate removal at pumping station Planting native wetland vegetation 10/4/201514
Integration – how? Human Communicating information Environmental activities Promoting behavior change Joining initiatives Bringing green to the people Bringing water to the people Institutional Stakeholder analysis Platform for collaboration 10/4/201515
Integration – Where ? 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam16
Integration – Where ? 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam17
Integration – Where ? 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam18
Integration – Where ? 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam19
Integration – Where ? 10/4/2015Science Park Amsterdam20
Integration – Why? Future proof-Less fossil fuel and greenhouse gas emissions -Future proof decision making and management -Resilient ecosystem Good liveability-Enhance public space -Improved well-being -Promoting responsible behavior Healthy living environment -Less pollution -Improve water quality Healthy economic development -Less congestion -Save energy & materials -Increase property value Optimal utilization of social capital -Increasing social interaction -Efficient management of social capital -Enhanced awareness of sustainability 10/4/201521