Evolution: Are There Still Misunderstandings in the 21 st Century? Allison Haynes EDRE 5870
Research Questions What misconceptions if any about natural selection and evolutionary theory do elementary and secondary pre-service teachers hold? Do those misconceptions affect the amount of emphasis that the pre-service teachers feel should be placed on the teaching of natural selection and evolution?
Participants 6 Pre-service teachers from the University of Wyoming and Oklahoma State University. 2 males; 4 females All were either science majors or biology education majors Average age: 30.5 years
Results Questions were measured on a Likert type scale and were recoded where necessary. Questions measured the participants acceptance or non-acceptance concerning misconceptions of biological evolution. Questions were then correlated with the participants perceived knowledge of evolution.
Results Continued nMSD Misconception Statements ±4.7 Acceptance Statement ±7.8
Results Continued Question 37 (emphasis in your science courses) Question 38 (knowledge of evolution) Misconception statements R = (significant)R= Acceptance statementsR = 0.217R= (significant)
Misconceptions Held by Pre- service Teachers 83.3% believe traits acquired by parents can be passed on to offspring. 83.3% think that population size does not have an effect on evolution. 50% are unsure of the state that traits appear at random. 50% do not understand that humans did not evolve from apes
Misconceptions Held by Pre- service Teachers 33.3% believe that evolution can cause traits to change during an organism’s lifetime. 33.3% do not understand the scientific definition of a theory 33.3% believe individuals can adapt to the environment. 33.3% do not understand “survival of the fit” does not exist.
Knowledge of Natural Selection and Evolutionary Theory 17% of pre-service teachers stated they felt their knowledge of natural selection and evolutionary was average. 83% felt their knowledge was good.
Emphasis in the Classroom 20% felt the concepts associated with natural selection and evolutionary theory should be at least moderately emphasized. 80% of pre-service teachers felt these concepts should be strongly emphasized.
Conclusions Many of the pre-service teachers we are sending into the field do not have a clear understanding of the concepts of natural selection and evolution. They are overrating their knowledge of the concepts of natural selection and evolution. They do feel that this is a topic that should be at least moderately addressed in the classroom.
Implications If they do not understand the concepts they will pass their misunderstandings on to their students. Passing on these misconceptions will continue to result in poor performance by students on standardized tests.