Cinquain Poem about Myself Yuriy Passive; shy Responsible and unadaptable Strong Numeracy, Thinking Skills Ukrainian Reflection: a) When I was doing this assignment, I used the knowledge that I had obtained about myself from the previous activities.What was that knowledge???? With this knowledge, I found out what kind of communication style I used, a characteristic of it, what my personal management skills were, and essential skills that I possess. b) I would need to do something like this again when I’m preparing myself for an interview for a job. When answering the Big Seven Questions, an activity such as this one can help me remind myself the strengths and weaknesses that I have. c) By doing this piece of work, I was able to learn how I communicated with the people around me, what my strongest personal management skills are, as well as my strongest essential skills that I posses. Which were????
Reflection: a) When I was doing this assignment, I used the knowledge that I had obtained about my Values, Skills, and Intelligences from The five self-assessment quizzes Reflection Pages, Which was?????and then applied my personal, community, and occupational goals to them. b) I would need to do something like this again when choosing to volunteer or get a part-time job because the work that I will be doing will have to reflect on my values, skills, and intelligences in order for the opportunity to be successful. c) By doing this piece of work, I was able to learn how my values, skills, and intelligences reflect on the occupation, community, and personal goals that I set out for myself.Which is??? Personal Goal: Save enough money for college tuition Values: The goal suits my values because it involves working under pressure. I only have a 2-4 year period to save over $20, 000 for my college tuition and this goal will allow me to use this value to help me succeed. Skills: The goal suits my skills because it involves acting quickly, problem skills and using my athletic ability skills. This will allow me to start saving money faster because I will create opportunities quickly for myself that will allow me to make money and then save it. Using my athletic ability and analyzing problem skills will allow me to get a good job in the aquatics sector in the City of Toronto to make money and then save it. Intelligences: The goal suits my intelligences because it involves logic smart. I need to make sure that I’m making enough money, not spending too much money, and investing a certain amount that will allow me spend a little and save a lot. Community Goal: Volunteer at a pool, daycare, or summer camp. Values: The goal suits my values because it involves competence. I have to demonstrate that I do excellent work in order to be allowed to volunteer and help the children as well as teenagers (maybe adults) with the activities planned. Skills: The goal suits my skills because it involves acting quickly and then using my analytical skills to allow me to better help the teachers, counselors, or instructors when situations come up. Intelligences: The goal suits my intelligences because it involves Linguistic Smart. I have to be able to talk to the teachers, counselors, or instructors professionally as well as to the kids/students. Occupational Goal: Get a Part-time job. Values: The goal suits my values because it involves competence. In order for me to be allowed to keep my part-time job, I need to demonstrate that I am good at my job and should be allowed to keep it. Skills: The goal suits my skills because it involve using athletic ability and analyzing problems which allow me to be a better candidate for a good part- time job in the Aquatics sector with the City of Toronto. Intelligences: The goal suits my intelligences because it involves Linguistic Smarts and Logical Smarts. I’m going to need to talk to the fellow staff, managers, bosses in a professional manner. Furthermore, I will need to work a certain amount of time, earn a certain amount an hour, and a certain total. All this I will be able to calculate and schedule using my Logical Smarts. Goal Reflection Chart
Reflection: a) When I was doing this assignment, I used my computer and reading text skills as well as my knowledge of Aquatics. I used my computer skills to research Step 3, reading text skills to find the requirements for Step 2, and knowledge of Aquatics for both steps 2 and 3. b) I would need to do something like this again when applying for a job because I will be able to see what skills I have, what I would like to do and can do and then see which requirements I have met, what requirements I still need to meet, and other possible jobs in that area. b) By doing this piece of work, I was able to learn that there are a lot of requirements for jobs such as????and that there are many jobs that have similar requirements. Therefore, when applying for one job, I can apply to several similar ones. Unit 1 Activity 3: Target Your Job Search 1.What are the skills you have to offer? My skills are: Acting quickly, Assembling, Using athletic ability, Doing basic mathematical calculations, and Analyzing problems 1.What would you like to do? I would like a part-time job that involves sports, athletic ability, supervising, and water. Basically, I want to be a wading pool attendant, or assistant instructor, or a lifeguard. 1.What can you do?I am able to perform the following job related tasks: CPR, supervising, swimming, loud voice… 1.Where would you like to be in five or ten years? In five years my goal is to be an instructor and a lifeguard. In ten years my goal is to be a pool manager or a dental assistant. 1.What are your values? The type of job I would like to have is one that has the following characteristics: Independence - Do what you want when you want. Not having to follow other people's direction. Be your own boss Competence - To be very good at a job. To demonstrate that you do excellent work Freedom of expression - Say or show your ideas freely. Show how your own ideas may improve things on the job Moral fulfillment - Feel that the work you are doing is something you believe in strongly Step Two: Define your job objective The type of job that I am looking for is: Aquatics (lifeguard) I have the following skills to meet the requirements of the job above: I can swim I know how to deal with kids I have completed my Bronze Cross I have completed all the CPR courses I’m helpful and positive I have the following education to meet the educational requirements above: Bronze Cross and CPR-C Step Three: Don't be too narrow. Other jobs that I might find interesting and would consider pursuing as a part-time job include: deck attendant instructor assistant instructor Pool manager Wading pool attendant Camp Counselor
Reflection: a) When I was doing this assignment, I used my computer research skills to find out the information required for the Highschool courses that I need to complete and the after highschool training required as well as my thinking skills to come up with Barriers and how to overcome them. b) I would need to do something like this again if I were to choose to follow a different profession or a different direction in life. This information is only for a dental hygienist, other jobs will have different information in their charts. c) By doing this piece of work, I was able to learn the educational requirements for a dental hygienist and potential barriers that could affect me while pursuing this career. Which are???? Career Area (Fields) of Interest Steps to Achieve this Goal Appropriate “After High School Training” Required Potential Barriers I want to become a dental hygienist. Necessary/Useful High School Courses to Complete: i.Biology ii.Chemistry iii.Mathematics a)apprenticeship b)college c)university d)on-the-job training Details (program type, length, name of institution, etc.): George Brown College is my destination after high school. I will have to take the Dental Hygiene Program at George Brown for 2-4 years. Barrier #1: The cost for the college program. Plan to overcome this barrier? Work while I’m in high school to make money which will be used to help pay for it. Who can help? My parents can help me pay for my tuition fees. Barrier #2: Transportation required for traveling to and from the college. Plan to overcome this barrier? Ride the TTC, buy a moped or have my dad give me a ride. Who can help? Again, my parents can help me with my transportation problems. Action Plan #4
Reflection: a) When I was doing this assignment, I used my computer research skills to research the educational preparation information to place in the chart. I also used my knowledge o f job preparation to complete the How Do I Prepare? Section. b) I would need to do something like this again if I were to choose to follow another career option. This information is only for a lifeguard and orthodontist; if I change my mind on what I want to become, other jobs will have different educational and beyond highschool preparations. c) By doing this piece of work, I was able to learn the educational preparations I need to make in order to become a lifeguard and orthodontist.Explain Year Educational Preparation for Career Option #1 Lifeguard Educational Preparation for Career Option #2 Orthodontist Present Year Three courses that support this career interest: Health & Physical Education Science English Three courses that support this career interest: Science Mathematics English Grade 11 Year Three courses that support my career interests: English Health & Physical Education Social Studies Three courses that support my career interests: Chemistry Physics Biology Grade 12 Year Three courses that support my career interests: Health & Physical Education Chemistry Biology Three courses that support my career interests: Chemistry Physics Biology Beyond High School (first job, on-the-job training, university, college, apprentice- ship) How do I prepare? Pass the Bronze Medallion course, then the Bronze Cross course, and finally the NLS course. Find a job as an assistant instructor, deck attendant, or wading pool attendant. How do I prepare? Go to university of Toronto for dental school and course. Then, work as a dental assistant or just as a dentist before becoming an orthodontist. Action Plan Part 2